开发者:上海品职教育科技有限公司 隐私政策详情


Felix Young · 2024年01月23日




Bern Zang is the recently hired chief investment officer of the Janson University Endowment Investment Office. The Janson University Endowment Fund (the Fund) is based in the United States and has current assets under management of $12 billion. It has a long-term investment horizon and relatively low liquidity needs. The Fund is overseen by an Investment Committee consisting of board members for the Fund. The Investment Office is responsible for implementing the investment policy set by the Fund’s Investment Committee.

The Fund’s current investment approach includes an internally managed fund that holds mostly equities and fixed-income securities. It is largely passively managed with tight tracking error limits. The target asset allocation is 55% equities, 40% fixed income, and 5% alternatives. The Fund currently holds private real estate investments to meet its alternative investment allocation.

Describe how each of the following common characteristics of institutional investors supports the Fund’s allocation to private real estate:

i. Scale

ii. Investment horizon

iii. Governance framework




1 个答案

lynn_品职助教 · 2024年01月24日






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NO.PZ2023010409000007问题如下 Bern Zang is the recently hirechief investment officer of theJanson University Enwment Investment Office. The Janson University EnwmentFun(the Fun is basein the UniteStates anhcurrent assets unrmanagement of $12 billion. It ha long-term investment horizon anrelativelylow liquity nee. The Funis overseen Investment Committee consistingof boarmembers for the Fun The Investment Offiis responsible forimplementing the investment poliset the Funs Investment Committee.The Funs currentinvestment approainclus internally managefunthhol mostlyequities anfixeincome securities. It is largely passively managewithtight tracking error limits. The target asset allocation is 55% equities, 40%fixeincome, an5% alternatives. The Funcurrently hol private reestateinvestments to meet its alternative investment allocation.scrihow eachof the following common characteristiof institutioninvestors supports theFuns allocation to private reestate:i. Scaleii. Investment horizoniii. Governanframework Scale:institutioninvestors usually hlarge scale so to meet the minimum instrument size requirealternative investment allocation. The Janson Funha 12 billion assets whiis very big so it is able to invest n alternative investment.The large scale of funalso gives it the access to managers thhave expertise in AIInvestment HorizonInstitutioninvestors like the Jason Funusually ha long term horizon anlow liquity nee.investments suprivate reestate is very illiquianusually nee long term interment horizon e to its characteristisuloperiobefore it starts to pback.In this case, it is is a goochoifor the Jason funto earn excess time anliquity premium.GovernanframeworkInstitutioninvestors like Jason Funusually ha formgovernance.is a complicatefinanciinvestment anusually requires professioninvestment managers either within the company or through outsourcing thirparty manager.Institutioninvestors is likely to have access to managers thhave expertise in AI

2024-06-27 21:20 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2023010409000007 问题如下 Bern Zang is the recently hirechief investment officer of theJanson University Enwment Investment Office. The Janson University EnwmentFun(the Fun is basein the UniteStates anhcurrent assets unrmanagement of $12 billion. It ha long-term investment horizon anrelativelylow liquity nee. The Funis overseen Investment Committee consistingof boarmembers for the Fun The Investment Offiis responsible forimplementing the investment poliset the Funs Investment Committee.The Funs currentinvestment approainclus internally managefunthhol mostlyequities anfixeincome securities. It is largely passively managewithtight tracking error limits. The target asset allocation is 55% equities, 40%fixeincome, an5% alternatives. The Funcurrently hol private reestateinvestments to meet its alternative investment allocation.scrihow eachof the following common characteristiof institutioninvestors supports theFuns allocation to private reestate:i. Scaleii. Investment horizoniii. Governanframework 请问一下老师,如何判断institutioninvestor的资产规模是否过大以至于会导致规模不经济的情况出现呢?

2024-05-22 23:30 2 · 回答

NO.PZ2023010409000007 问题如下 Bern Zang is the recently hirechief investment officer of theJanson University Enwment Investment Office. The Janson University EnwmentFun(the Fun is basein the UniteStates anhcurrent assets unrmanagement of $12 billion. It ha long-term investment horizon anrelativelylow liquity nee. The Funis overseen Investment Committee consistingof boarmembers for the Fun The Investment Offiis responsible forimplementing the investment poliset the Funs Investment Committee.The Funs currentinvestment approainclus internally managefunthhol mostlyequities anfixeincome securities. It is largely passively managewithtight tracking error limits. The target asset allocation is 55% equities, 40%fixeincome, an5% alternatives. The Funcurrently hol private reestateinvestments to meet its alternative investment allocation.scrihow eachof the following common characteristiof institutioninvestors supports theFuns allocation to private reestate:i. Scaleii. Investment horizoniii. Governanframework scale: 1.the funs current asset unr management is 12billion,whiis very big. 2.so they chave a wir investment universe 3. chire investment professionals. so its scale csupport allocation to private reestate.investment horizon:the funha long term investment horizon anlow liquty nee anhigh risk torlerance, so its investment horizon csupport allocation to private reestate.governanframework The Funis overseen Investment Committee consisting of boarmembers for the Fun The Investment Offiis responsible for implementing the investment poliset the Funs Investment Committee. so the funs governanframework is well structure, whicsupport allocation to private reestate.

2024-02-09 06:45 1 · 回答