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Dongying · 2024年01月13日

coefficient when market condition is normal / crisis

Chang is discussing Fund A with First Ocean’s Investment Committee and makes the following observations about its role in the portfolio:

Observation 1

Fund A has a dedicated short bias, which helps offset beta exposure from the long–short managers in the fund.

Observation 2

The sensitivity to volatility is indicative of selling puts against some of its short positions.

Observation 3

The manager has demonstrated the ability to hold long positions in deep out-of-the-money puts during periods of market stress.

Which of Chang’s observations about Fund A is most likely accurate?

1.     Observation 1

2.     Observation 2

C.     Observation 3


C is correct. For Fund A, adding deep out-of-the-money puts during periods of market stress would explain why the correlation with equity markets is relatively neutral in normal markets but is significantly negative during periods of crisis. It also is supported by a large increase in positive correlation with volatility during periods of crisis.

A is incorrect. Fund A does not likely have a dedicated short bias strategy because the sensitivity to equity markets is essentially zero except for during times of crisis.

B is incorrect. Fund A has a positive exposure to volatility through the VIX, especially during periods of market stress. This is not indicative of a manager selling puts against short positions.

请问这道题要怎么做呢?怎么看出来有没有put option ? 还看的出来put 是不是OTM? 是卖还是买PUT?

1 个答案

伯恩_品职助教 · 2024年01月13日


首先看和标普500,的关系是负相关,也就是在crisis的时候标普500是下跌的,fund A和其是负相关,说明是上涨的,可以看出是long put,

还有一个就是从波动率|(VIX)看出来,在normal的时候波动率小,在crisis的时候波动率大,fund A 的相关系也随着波动性增大,说明和波动率是正相关,证明是long option。

是不是out of,在normal的时候和标普500的关系几乎为0,说明是深度虚值期权,为什么?比如call的行权价是10元,现在的价格在1-2元波动(1-2元的波动很大,翻倍了),这种涨跌对call来说都不可能行权,差太远,所以call几乎不会波动,除非价格现在变道8元以上,接近行权价。

而到了crisis的时候,这个时候标普500一定的大跌的,不然也不会叫crisis了,说明其应该跌到了put的行权价附近了。这样在normal 和crisis的对比就能看出是深度虚值期权了


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