发亮_品职助教 · 2018年06月19日
Asset manager替客户管理资产,账户里的钱是客户的,交易费用也是出自客户的账户;但是交易时,大部分情况是asset manager选择dealer或者broker执行下单交易。选择的标准就是best execution、fees合理等等,总之就是最有利于客户,和投资。
但是dealer的收费可能不同,有的高有的低。再他们都提供best execution的情形下:
比如A收100元,B收120元。B高的这20元就是soft dollar。
有些账户是不允许有soft dollar的,所以投资经理选择dealer时,只能选择best execution和价格合适的。不能掏多余的钱去买除了execution之外的服务,如research等。
题干的描述是,这个dealer,提供的新服务只有execution,而且收费更低。但是为了吸引更多的账户,这个dealer给投资经理提供的是老的服务(Execution和research),但是收费是按新的服务费用收的。并且仍然是best execution和相同类型相比是low-fee。
所以虽然这个禁止soft-dollar的账户有了多余的服务research,但是没有多掏钱,即没有soft dollar。所以符合账户要求的,是OK的。
NO.PZ2016032801000028 问题如下 Carter works for Invest Toy, a locasset management firm. A broker thprovis Carter with proprietary researthrough client brokerage arrangements is offering a new trang service. The broker is offering low-fee, execution-only tras to complement its trationfull-service, execution-anreseartras. To entiCarter another asset managers to senaitionbusiness its way, the broker will apply the commissions paion the new servitowarsatisfying the brokerage commitment of the prior full-serviarrangements. Carter halways been satisfiewith the execution provion the full servitras, anthe new low-fee tras are comparable to the fees of other brokers currently usefor the accounts thprohibit soft llarrangements. A.Carter ctra for his accounts thprohibit soft llarrangements unr the new low-fee trang scheme. B.Carter cannot use the new trang scheme because the commissions are prohibitethe soft llrestrictions of the accounts. C.Carter shoultra only through the new low-fee scheme anshoulincrease his trang volume to meet his requirecommission commitment. A is correct.The question relates to StanrIII(–Loyalty, Prunce, anCare. Carter believes the broker offers effective execution a fee this comparable with those of other brokers, so he is free to use the broker for all accounts. Answer B is incorrebecause the accounts thprohibit soft llarrangements not want to funthe purchase of researCarter. The new trang scheme es not incur aitioncommissions from clients, so it woulnot go against the prohibitions. Answer C is incorrebecause Carter shoulnot incur unnecessary or excessive \"churning\" of the portfolios (excessive trang) for the purpose of meeting the brokerage commitments of soft llarrangements. 可以一下原文和B吗
NO.PZ2016032801000028问题如下 Carter works for Invest Toy, a locasset management firm. A broker thprovis Carter with proprietary researthrough client brokerage arrangements is offering a new trang service. The broker is offering low-fee, execution-only tras to complement its trationfull-service, execution-anreseartras. To entiCarter another asset managers to senaitionbusiness its way, the broker will apply the commissions paion the new servitowarsatisfying the brokerage commitment of the prior full-serviarrangements. Carter halways been satisfiewith the execution provion the full servitras, anthe new low-fee tras are comparable to the fees of other brokers currently usefor the accounts thprohibit soft llarrangements.A.Carter ctra for his accounts thprohibit soft llarrangements unr the new low-fee trang scheme.B.Carter cannot use the new trang scheme because the commissions are prohibitethe soft llrestrictions of the accounts.C.Carter shoultra only through the new low-fee scheme anshoulincrease his trang volume to meet his requirecommission commitment.A is correct.The question relates to StanrIII(–Loyalty, Prunce, anCare. Carter believes the broker offers effective execution a fee this comparable with those of other brokers, so he is free to use the broker for all accounts. Answer B is incorrebecause the accounts thprohibit soft llarrangements not want to funthe purchase of researCarter. The new trang scheme es not incur aitioncommissions from clients, so it woulnot go against the prohibitions. Answer C is incorrebecause Carter shoulnot incur unnecessary or excessive \"churning\" of the portfolios (excessive trang) for the purpose of meeting the brokerage commitments of soft llarrangements.C什么意思 跟题目有啥关系
NO.PZ2016032801000028 问题如下 Carter works for Invest Toy, a locasset management firm. A broker thprovis Carter with proprietary researthrough client brokerage arrangements is offering a new trang service. The broker is offering low-fee, execution-only tras to complement its trationfull-service, execution-anreseartras. To entiCarter another asset managers to senaitionbusiness its way, the broker will apply the commissions paion the new servitowarsatisfying the brokerage commitment of the prior full-serviarrangements. Carter halways been satisfiewith the execution provion the full servitras, anthe new low-fee tras are comparable to the fees of other brokers currently usefor the accounts thprohibit soft llarrangements. A.Carter ctra for his accounts thprohibit soft llarrangements unr the new low-fee trang scheme. B.Carter cannot use the new trang scheme because the commissions are prohibitethe soft llrestrictions of the accounts. C.Carter shoultra only through the new low-fee scheme anshoulincrease his trang volume to meet his requirecommission commitment. A is correct.The question relates to StanrIII(–Loyalty, Prunce, anCare. Carter believes the broker offers effective execution a fee this comparable with those of other brokers, so he is free to use the broker for all accounts. Answer B is incorrebecause the accounts thprohibit soft llarrangements not want to funthe purchase of researCarter. The new trang scheme es not incur aitioncommissions from clients, so it woulnot go against the prohibitions. Answer C is incorrebecause Carter shoulnot incur unnecessary or excessive \"churning\" of the portfolios (excessive trang) for the purpose of meeting the brokerage commitments of soft llarrangements. To entiCarter another asset managers to senaitionbusiness its way, the broker will apply the commissions paion the new servitowarsatisfying the brokerage commitment of the prior full-serviarrangements.这段话怎么理解呢,就是用仅收交易的佣金,提供交易和研究的全方位服务?超额提供服务?另外comparable 是可比较的意思,在这个上下文里就是相当的意思吗,说明和其他不提供软美元的账户,费率基本一样?
Carter cannot use the new trang scheme because the commissions are prohibitethe soft llrestrictions of the accounts. Carter shoultra only through the new low-fee scheme anshoulincrease his trang volume to meet his requirecommission commitment. A is correct. The question relates to StanrIII(–Loyalty, Prunce, anCare. Carter believes the broker offers effective execution a fee this comparable with those of other brokers, so he is free to use the broker for all accounts. Answer B is incorrebecause the accounts thprohibit soft llarrangements not want to funthe purchase of researCarter. The new trang scheme es not incur aitioncommissions from clients, so it woulnot go against the prohibitions. Answer C is incorrebecause Carter shoulnot incur unnecessary or excessive \"churning\" of the portfolios (excessive trang) for the purpose of meeting the brokerage commitments of soft llarrangements. 请翻译下a项的中文意思,谢谢?