1、Adjust weighing of company when taking information analysis from local news formuate.?
A fundamental basis B lgorithm basis
2、.RI 需要active investor:
A.use foundation mental research rather than Quant method. B can focus on trend and abnormal returns
A 审计师 B 投资关系 C 公司秘书
4、对 healthcare 最重要的social matter 是什么?
5、Social investment的return expectation 是? (a:only social return,b:only financial return,c:both)
7、公司面对increased GHG disclosure 什么会被影响?provision 还是运营成本?
8、提高员工工作条件是social债券还是sustainable-linked 债券?
9.generating idea阶段最有可能做的事?(如果选项没对应的,请告诉下产生想法阶段正确的做法?
(部分选项, A:building portfolio about xxxx, B:Constructing 排除了xxx行业的investment universe)
10.机构投资者与stock exchange的合作是哪种方式?policy?