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露露66 · 2023年12月10日

老师 书上讲过index cost的公式吗 怎么觉得和常用的公式不太一样

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Based on Exhibit 2, the market-adjusted cost of trade execution by ZB is closest to:


A.70.57 bps.

B.74.69 bps.

C.101.21 bps.



B is correct. Market-adjusted cost (bps) = Arrival cost (bps) – Beta × Index cost (bps).

Arrival cost (in bps) = [(Average execution price – Arrival price) ÷ Arrival price] × 10,000 bps

= [($25.75 – $25.50) ÷ $25.50] × 10,000 bps = 98.04 bps.

Index cost (in bps) = [(Average execution index price – Arrival index price) ÷ Arrival index price] × 10,000 bps

= [($12,775 – $12,740) ÷ $12,740] × 10,000 bps = 27.47 bps.

Market-adjusted cost = Arrival cost –Beta × Index cost

= 98.04 – 0.85 × 27.47 = 74.69 bps.

A is incorrect. It is the arrival cost less the index cost (98.04 – 27.47 = 70.57), which is not adjusted for beta.

C is incorrect. The decision price, instead of the arrival price, is used for the arrival cost calculation. [($25.75 – $25.45) ÷ $25.45] × 10,000 bps = 117.88 bps. [($12,775 – $12,750) ÷ $12,750] × 10,000 bps = 19.61 bps.The final calculation becomes 117.88 – 0.85 × 19.61 = 101.21 bps.

老师 书上讲过index cost的公式吗 怎么觉得和常用的公式不太一样

2 个答案

吴昊_品职助教 · 2024年06月21日




吴昊_品职助教 · 2023年12月11日


这个公式是有的,可以参考基础班讲义P78页。index cost的算法其实和arrival cost一样,都是trade price和benchmark price之间的比较。


Xiaochong · 2024年06月21日

想请问一下算market adj cost 这个知识点的难度是怎么样的?是非常常规的经典题必须掌握烂熟于心吗?自己每次做这个的时候总不太对,不知道是不是知识点掌握不太牢

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NO.PZ202206140600000404问题如下 Quagmire Case ScenarioIn the UPX Fun investment in the new technology sector hperformewell anis expecteto continue to so. However, the proportion of the funinvestein the new technology sector is now larger thwhis permittein the funprospectus. Holt inten to rethe holngs in the sector to comply with the prospectus over the next two months before the quarter en. The volume of shares thneeto solis approximately 20% of the ily volume in their respective invimarkets. To execute the tras in the new technology sector, Holt asks his teto consir three possible options:Upon completion of the tras, Holt calculates expanimplementation shortfall to evaluate tra costs. The ta are proviin Exhibit 1.Exhibit 1. ExpanImplementation Shortfall Information ($) for the Tras in the New Technology SectorHolt asks his teto termine whether trang with a new securities brokerage, Zavier Brokerage (ZB), appears to viable. The tesent ZB a buy orr for 5,000 shares of XTV stoto test the brokerage’s trang abilities. The anticipatetra execution cost w110.00 basis points (bps), baseon previous trang with other brokerages. Exhibit 2 splays ZB’s execution performance.Exhibit 2. ZB Tra Execution PerformanceQuestion Baseon Exhibit 2, the market-austecost of tra execution ZB is closest to:A.70.57 bps.B.74.69 bps.C.101.21 bps.SolutionB is correct. Market-austecost (bps) = Arrivcost (bps) – Beta × Inx cost (bps).Arrivcost (in bps) = [(Average execution pri– Arrivprice) ÷ Arrivprice] × 10,000 bps = [($25.75 – $25.50) ÷ $25.50] × 10,000 bps = 98.04 bps.Inx cost (in bps) = [(Average execution inx pri– Arrivinx price) ÷ Arrivinx price] × 10,000 bps = [($12,775 – $12,740) ÷ $12,740] × 10,000 bps = 27.47 bps.Market-austecost = Arrivcost –Beta × Inx cost = 98.04 – 0.85 × 27.47 = 74.69 bps.A is incorrect. It is the arrivcost less the inx cost (98.04 – 27.47 = 70.57), whiis not austefor betC is incorrect. The cision price, insteof the arrivprice, is usefor the arrivcost calculation. [($25.75 – $25.45) ÷ $25.45] × 10,000 bps = 117.88 bps. [($12,775 – $12,750) ÷ $12,750] × 10,000 bps = 19.61 bps.The fincalculation becomes 117.88 – 0.85 × 19.61 = 101.21 bps.如题,为什么是用arrivprice,而不是cision price呢

2024-07-28 17:23 1 · 回答