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EatSleepDrive · 2023年12月06日




An investor purchases an eight-year, 6.4% annual coupon eurobond priced at par (settlement: 15 June 2031; maturity: 15 December 2039) and sells it after six years. Assuming interest rates rise by 100 bps immediately after purchase, the investor’s rate of return at the end of six years is:



lower than 6.4%.


equal to 6.4%.


higher than 6.4%.


A is correct. The future value of reinvested coupon interest is

= FV(0.054,6,6.4,0,0) = 46.245.

The sale price of the bond at the end of six years is

= PV(0.054,2,6.40,100,0) = 98.202,

which results in a six-year horizon yield of 6.32%, which is lower than 6.40%:

B and C are incorrect, because interest rates have risen and the investor’s investment horizon is not long enough to offset the price decline with additional reinvestment return.

不是说长期持有reinvestment risk会更大么,利率上升那reinvestment的收入应该会大于price的下降,那total return不应该上升吗。8年期的债券持有6年还不算长期持有?

1 个答案

pzqa015 · 2023年12月06日


是如果mac duration<investment horizon,那么再投资收益会超过价格下降,total return会上升,这道题没有提到mac duration,只是单纯提到买入后利率上涨,那么无法用这个结论定性判断的,只能通过计算来判断收益情况,就像解析那样。要算一下coupon、coupon再投资收益以及卖出价格



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NO.PZ2023052301000041问题如下 investor purchases eight-year, 6.4% annucoupon eurobonpricepansells it after six years. Assuming interest rates rise 100 bps immeately after purchase, the investor’s rate of return the enof six years is: A.lower th6.4%.B.equto 6.4%.C.higher th6.4%. A is correct. The future value of reinvestecoupon interest is= FV(0.074,6,6.4,0,0) = 46.245.The sale priof the bonthe enof six years is= PV(0.074,2,6.40,100,0) = 98.202,whiresults in a six-yehorizon yielof 6.32%, whiis lower th6.40%:B anC are incorrect, because interest rates have risen anthe investor’s investment horizon is not long enough to offset the pricline with aitionreinvestment return. 利率上升,RI上升,sell price降低。还剩两年,sell pri两年的risk较小能够被RI抵消,因此RI上升,总体利率上升?

2024-09-12 10:10 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2023052301000041问题如下 investor purchases eight-year, 6.4% annucoupon eurobonpricepansells it after six years. Assuming interest rates rise 100 bps immeately after purchase, the investor’s rate of return the enof six years is: A.lower th6.4%.B.equto 6.4%.C.higher th6.4%. A is correct. The future value of reinvestecoupon interest is= FV(0.074,6,6.4,0,0) = 46.245.The sale priof the bonthe enof six years is= PV(0.074,2,6.40,100,0) = 98.202,whiresults in a six-yehorizon yielof 6.32%, whiis lower th6.40%:B anC are incorrect, because interest rates have risen anthe investor’s investment horizon is not long enough to offset the pricline with aitionreinvestment return. 这个不能用老师讲的算作持有long term ,r上升 rr大于ytm吗?

2024-08-07 22:24 2 · 回答

NO.PZ2023052301000041 问题如下 investor purchases eight-year, 6.4% annucoupon eurobonpricepansells it after six years. Assuming interest rates rise 100 bps immeately after purchase, the investor’s rate of return the enof six years is: A.lower th6.4%. B.equto 6.4%. C.higher th6.4%. A is correct. The future value of reinvestecoupon interest is= FV(0.074,6,6.4,0,0) = 46.245.The sale priof the bonthe enof six years is= PV(0.074,2,6.40,100,0) = 98.202,whiresults in a six-yehorizon yielof 6.32%, whiis lower th6.40%:B anC are incorrect, because interest rates have risen anthe investor’s investment horizon is not long enough to offset the pricline with aitionreinvestment return. 六年后卖出的价格sell price是未来现金流折现求和未来还剩两年,N=2;YTM=7.4;PMT=6.4;最后面值FV=100,折现得到PV=98.202

2024-08-07 21:35 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2023052301000041问题如下 investor purchases eight-year, 6.4% annucoupon eurobonpricep(settlement: 15 June 2031; maturity: 15 cember 2039) ansells it after six years. Assuming interest rates rise 100 bps immeately after purchase, the investor’s rate of return the enof six years is: A.lower th6.4%.B.equto 6.4%.C.higher th6.4%. A is correct. The future value of reinvestecoupon interest is= FV(0.074,6,6.4,0,0) = 46.245.The sale priof the bonthe enof six years is= PV(0.074,2,6.40,100,0) = 98.202,whiresults in a six-yehorizon yielof 6.32%, whiis lower th6.40%:B anC are incorrect, because interest rates have risen anthe investor’s investment horizon is not long enough to offset the pricline with aitionreinvestment return. 这道题好难呀.老师可以详细讲解一下吗

2024-03-26 20:37 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2023052301000041问题如下 investor purchases eight-year, 6.4% annucoupon eurobonpricep(settlement: 15 June 2031; maturity: 15 cember 2039) ansells it after six years. Assuming interest rates rise 100 bps immeately after purchase, the investor’s rate of return the enof six years is: A.lower th6.4%.B.equto 6.4%.C.higher th6.4%. A is correct. The future value of reinvestecoupon interest is= FV(0.074,6,6.4,0,0) = 46.245.The sale priof the bonthe enof six years is= PV(0.074,2,6.40,100,0) = 98.202,whiresults in a six-yehorizon yielof 6.32%, whiis lower th6.40%:B anC are incorrect, because interest rates have risen anthe investor’s investment horizon is not long enough to offset the pricline with aitionreinvestment return. 什么是eurobon还有如果初始购买价格不是pvalue,计算回报率时,是不是就不应该除以100, 而是应该除以实际购买的价格?

2024-02-05 21:48 1 · 回答