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Darkblanca · 2023年12月05日




Shaw has particular interest in MFC’s popular Soar Fund (Soar), which relies on returns from factor exposures. The description of the fund states that it emphasizes security-specific factors, maintains low security concentration to keep idiosyncratic risk down, and embraces quality and value styles. Soar occasionally considers the economic and geopolitical environment, especially during unusual economic condi­tions.

From the description of the Soar Fund, the most appropriate classification of its portfolio construction process is:



top-down systematic


bottom-up systematic




The Soar Fund has characteristics most consistent with those of a bottom-up systematic manager. Emphasizing security-specific factors is a bottom-method. Targeting low idiosyncratic risk along with low concentrations indicates a systematic approach, not a discretionary approach. Although the Soar Fund does sometimes consider macro data and events, this is not its primary top-down driver of portfolio construction.

A is incorrect. Although Soar does sometimes consider macro data and events, this is not its primary top-driver of portfolio construction.

C is incorrect. Targeting low idiosyncratic risk along with low concentrations indicates a systematic approach, not a discretionary approach.


1 个答案

笛子_品职助教 · 2023年12月06日





根据原版书的知识点,"bottom up + discretionary" 确实可以分散,也可以集中。


之所以选出systematic,而不是discretionay,取决于idiosyncratic risk。

同学注意哈:虽然discretionay是可分散,可不分散,但是对于idiosyncratic risk 的处理,discretionay与systematic是不同的。

idiosyncratic risk是指,公司独特的风险。例如管理层人品如何,能力如何,这就属于idiosyncratic risk。

这个idiosyncratic risk往往有非常主观的特征,因为很难用量化方法去评估管理层的能力。

量化交易,一般回避这样的特定风险,更多抓一些股票里的共性特征,例如quality and value 。

而主观交易,喜欢在idiosyncratic risk上押注,例如管理层能力很强,那么主观交易就会押注,股票价格能涨。

本题的特征是: keep idiosyncratic risk down。降低idiosyncratic risk。因此更符合量化的特征。


Targeting low idiosyncratic risk along with low concentrations indicates a systematic approach, not a discretionary approach.的含义。


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NO.PZ2023010903000059 问题如下 Shhparticulinterest in MFC’s populSoFun(Soar), whirelies on returns from factor exposures. The scription of the funstates thit emphasizes security-specific factors, maintains low security concentration to keep iosyncratic risk wn, anembraces quality anvalue styles. Sooccasionally consirs the economic angeopoliticenvironment, especially ring unusueconomic con­tions.From the scription of the SoFun the most appropriate classification of its portfolio construction process is: A.top-wn systemati B.bottom-up systemati C.bottom-scretionary The SoFunhcharacteristimost consistent with those of a bottom-up systematic manager. Emphasizing security-specific factors is a bottom-metho Targeting low iosyncratic risk along with low concentrations incates a systematic approach, not a scretionary approach. Although the SoFunes sometimes consir macro ta anevents, this is not its primary top-wn iver of portfolio construction.A is incorrect. Although Soes sometimes consir macro ta anevents, this is not its primary top-iver of portfolio construction.C is incorrect. Targeting low iosyncratic risk along with low concentrations incates a systematic approach, not a scretionary approach. Sooccasionally consirs the economic angeopoliticenvironment, especially ring unusueconomic con­tions.这句话说的不算是top wn的feature吗?要怎么提到macro的部分才能算top wn?

2024-07-12 09:29 2 · 回答

NO.PZ2023010903000059 问题如下 Shhparticulinterest in MFC’s populSoFun(Soar), whirelies on returns from factor exposures. The scription of the funstates thit emphasizes security-specific factors, maintains low security concentration to keep iosyncratic risk wn, anembraces quality anvalue styles. Sooccasionally consirs the economic angeopoliticenvironment, especially ring unusueconomic con­tions.From the scription of the SoFun the most appropriate classification of its portfolio construction process is: A.top-wn systemati B.bottom-up systemati C.bottom-scretionary The SoFunhcharacteristimost consistent with those of a bottom-up systematic manager. Emphasizing security-specific factors is a bottom-metho Targeting low iosyncratic risk along with low concentrations incates a systematic approach, not a scretionary approach. Although the SoFunes sometimes consir macro ta anevents, this is not its primary top-wn iver of portfolio construction.A is incorrect. Although Soes sometimes consir macro ta anevents, this is not its primary top-iver of portfolio construction.C is incorrect. Targeting low iosyncratic risk along with low concentrations incates a systematic approach, not a scretionary approach. 感觉从来没看到过C这个方法呢

2024-02-05 11:33 1 · 回答