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常晓磊 · 2023年12月01日


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Q. Discuss Smith’s method for estimating the increase in return expectations derived from increasing the endowment allocation to private equity.




Private equity is recognized as an illiquid alternative investment and may offer higher returns via a liquidity premium.

The illiquidity premium (also called the liquidity premium) is the expected compensation for the additional risk of tying up capital for a potentially uncertain time period. It can be estimated, as Smith has done, by using the idea that the size of a discount an investor should receive for such capital commitment is represented by the value of a put option with an exercise price equal to the hypothetical “marketable price” of the illiquid asset as estimated at the time of purchase. Smith can derive the price of the illiquid private equity asset by subtracting the put price from the “marketable price.” If both the “marketable price” and the illiquid asset price are estimated or known, then the expected return for each can be calculated, with the difference in expected returns representing the illiquidity premium (in %).


1 个答案

lynn_品职助教 · 2023年12月02日


这道题是Reading 28 ■ Case Study in Portfolio Management: Institutional 的课后练习,

讲的是low liquidity public equity有Liquidity premium,我们计算的时候用市场指数算有流动性补偿不一定正确,因为投资者在实际投资时只会投资一部分股票,个股是否有这个流动性补偿并不好说。



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NO.PZ202205190400000301 问题如下 Q. scuss Smith’s methofor estimating the increase in return expectations rivefrom increasing the enwment allocation to private equity. SolutionPrivate equity is recognizeilliquialternative investment anmoffer higher returns via a liquity premium.The illiquity premium (also callethe liquity premium) is the expectecompensation for the aitionrisk of tying up capitfor a potentially uncertain time perio It cestimate Smith hne, using the ia ththe size of a scount investor shoulreceive for sucapitcommitment is representethe value of a put option with exercise priequto the hypothetic“marketable price” of the illiquiasset estimatethe time of purchase. Smith crive the priof the illiquiprivate equity asset subtracting the put prifrom the “marketable price.” If both the “marketable price” anthe illiquiasset priare estimateor known, then the expectereturn for eaccalculate with the fferenin expectereturns representing the illiquity premium (in %). 这种问题应该从哪个角度作答

2024-01-23 16:46 1 · 回答

NO.PZ202205190400000301 问题如下 Q. scuss Smith’s methofor estimating the increase in return expectations rivefrom increasing the enwment allocation to private equity. SolutionPrivate equity is recognizeilliquialternative investment anmoffer higher returns via a liquity premium.The illiquity premium (also callethe liquity premium) is the expectecompensation for the aitionrisk of tying up capitfor a potentially uncertain time perio It cestimate Smith hne, using the ia ththe size of a scount investor shoulreceive for sucapitcommitment is representethe value of a put option with exercise priequto the hypothetic“marketable price” of the illiquiasset estimatethe time of purchase. Smith crive the priof the illiquiprivate equity asset subtracting the put prifrom the “marketable price.” If both the “marketable price” anthe illiquiasset priare estimateor known, then the expectereturn for eaccalculate with the fferenin expectereturns representing the illiquity premium (in %). 没有看懂问题,请问这道题问的是什么?以及这道题是基础班讲义上哪一个考点?

2022-08-16 17:58 1 · 回答

NO.PZ202205190400000301 问题如下 Q. scuss Smith’s methofor estimating the increase in return expectations rivefrom increasing the enwment allocation to private equity. SolutionPrivate equity is recognizeilliquialternative investment anmoffer higher returns via a liquity premium.The illiquity premium (also callethe liquity premium) is the expectecompensation for the aitionrisk of tying up capitfor a potentially uncertain time perio It cestimate Smith hne, using the ia ththe size of a scount investor shoulreceive for sucapitcommitment is representethe value of a put option with exercise priequto the hypothetic“marketable price” of the illiquiasset estimatethe time of purchase. Smith crive the priof the illiquiprivate equity asset subtracting the put prifrom the “marketable price.” If both the “marketable price” anthe illiquiasset priare estimateor known, then the expectereturn for eaccalculate with the fferenin expectereturns representing the illiquity premium (in %). 这个知识点是考什么的?谢谢

2022-08-16 07:07 2 · 回答