Caroline runs a portfolio, which screens out securities with low ESG scores from the benchmark index. She then reweights the portfolio with the remaining securities according to their market capitalisations. To address tracking error, she runs a portfolio optimisation programme.Has the tracking error issue been resolved?选项:
A.No, she should apply a strong ESG tilt to the portfolio.
B.Yes, but the portfolio is now overweight securities that correlate with omitted securities.
C.Yes, the removal of a small portion of securities from the benchmark will not impact relative performance in the long run.
D.Yes, this strategy generally outperforms its benchmark when the excluded securities underperform.
Caroline管理的投资组合是从基准指数中剔除ESG得分较低的证券之后,根据剩余证券的市值重新调整权重构建的,这样她管理的投资组合和基准指数就会有较大的跟踪误差。她想通过最优化的方式解决这个问题,例如设定一个最小化tracking error的限制。但是这样会给予与被剔除证券相似的证券更高的权重,例如股票A被剔除,股票B与A相似,最优化后会给予B更高的权重。
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