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enz859 · 2023年11月28日

micro finance 定义 是什么



Which of the following ESG investments addresses the bottom of the pyramid (BOP)?


A.Green bonds

B.Micro-finance bonds

C.Fund investing in smart grid technology


Social investments (not green investments) allocate capital to assets that address the bottom of the pyramid—that is, the poorest two-thirds of the economic human pyramid Micro-finance is an example of such social investment

烦请解释这个 micro financebon是什么债券?融资是要干嘛的?

1 个答案

净净_品职助教 · 2023年11月29日


micro-finance 指的是小微金融,指提供给低收入或无法从传统银行获得服务的个人和小型企业的小额贷款和其他金融服务。这些金融服务包括储蓄账户、保险、转账服务以及小额贷款。微融资机构通常面向在经济金字塔底层(Bottom of the Pyramid, BOP)的群体。以下是这类融资的目的:

  1. 创业和发展小型企业:提供资金支持,帮助个人建立或扩展自己的小型企业,从而创造收入和就业机会。
  2. 改善生活条件:通过小额贷款,低收入家庭可以改善住房条件或支付教育、医疗等基本需求。
  3. 增强金融包容性:为传统银行服务不到的人群提供金融服务,让他们能够积累资产和缓冲经济冲击。



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NO.PZ2022120701000002 问题如下 Whiof the following ESG investments aresses the bottom of the pyrami(BOP)? A.Green bon B.Micro-finanbon C.Funinvesting in smart gritechnology Sociinvestments (not green investments) allocate capitto assets tharess the bottom of the pyramithis, the poorest two-thir of the economic humpyramiMicro-finanis example of susociinvestment 知识点在讲义第几页

2023-10-14 12:39 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2022120701000002问题如下Whiof the following ESG investments aresses the bottom of the pyrami(BOP)?A.Green bonB.Micro-finanbonC.Funinvesting in smart gritechnologySociinvestments (not green investments) allocate capitto assets tharess the bottom of the pyramithis, the poorest two-thir of the economic humpyramiMicro-finanis example of susociinvestmentsmart gritechnology 是指什么?

2023-09-19 10:44 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2022120701000002 问题如下 Whiof the following ESG investments aresses the bottom of the pyrami(BOP)? A.Green bon B.Micro-finanbon C.Funinvesting in smart gritechnology Sociinvestments (not green investments) allocate capitto assets tharess the bottom of the pyramithis, the poorest two-thir of the economic humpyramiMicro-finanis example of susociinvestment 如题, 请问C是什么意思, 对应那种responsible investment (如有)?

2023-07-16 21:44 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2022120701000002问题如下Whiof the following ESG investments aresses the bottom of the pyrami(BOP)?A.Green bonB.Micro-finanbonC.Funinvesting in smart gritechnologySociinvestments (not green investments) allocate capitto assets tharess the bottom of the pyramithis, the poorest two-thir of the economic humpyramiMicro-finanis example of susociinvestment请问这是第几章的内容?

2023-03-12 07:44 1 · 回答