1 ;A paper company is harvesting trees and transporting them to its production plant. Which of the following is considered to have an indirect impact on biodiversity?
A Wildlife disturbed by noise from the production plant
B Carbon emissions from the transportation of the trees
C Commercial activity along a newly constructed access road
2;To safeguard the independence of the external auditor, EU regulation:
A requires public companies to tender for a new auditor every five years.
B requires public companies to rotate their auditor after a maximum period of five years.
C prohibits the provision of certain non-audit services to audited public interest entities.
3;When an asset owner develops an ESG investment philosophy, the selection of material ESG factors is least likely influenced by:
A manager exposure.
B asset class exposure.
C geographical exposure.
4;For an engagement program to be effective, investors should most likely.
A raise all possible concerns with a target company, starting from the most important.
B adapt the engagement process to the local context, language and cultural approaches.
C separate the engagement discussion from broader strategy and financial performance
5;According to the UK Corporate Governance Code, which of the following committees is expected to be populated solely by independent non-executive directors?
A Nominations committee
B Sustainability committee
C Remuneration committee
6;Sustainable finance regulations most likely focus on which of the following?
A Asset managers
B Corporate disclosure
C Investment consultants