开发者:上海品职教育科技有限公司 隐私政策详情


叫我果果 · 2023年11月24日

a 和 c 需要代表投资吗?



A fund management entity that advances clients’ engagement activities even if not investing the client’s funds is best described as:


A.a proxy firm.

B.an overlay service provider.

C.an ESG investment consultant.


Overlay service providers (such as Columbia Threadneedle Investments [REO] and Sustainalytics) provide stewardship overlay services, such as voting advice and direct engagement activities, for clients regardless of whether they invest funds on the client’s behalf Proxy advisers (such as ISS and Glass Lewis) provide voting advice and assist with processing votes, but don’t directly advance engagement on their clients’ behalf ESG investment consultants (such as Mercer) typically rate the ESG expertise of fund managers

我知道 b 对但是不知道 ac 为什么错

1 个答案

Tina_品职助教 · 2023年11月25日



选项A,“代理公司(proxy firm)”,通常指的是提供投票建议和帮助处理投票的公司,但它们不直接促进客户的参与活动。因此,代理公司并不符合题目描述的实体,它们更多地关注于投票过程,而不是直接的参与活动,所以A不正确。

选项C,“ESG投资顾问(an ESG investment consultant)”,通常是指那些评估基金经理的ESG专业知识和实践的顾问。虽然他们可能会提供与ESG相关的投资建议,但他们不负责代表客户推进参与活动,所以C也不正确。

正确答案B,“叠加服务提供商(an overlay service provider)”,是指不论是否代表客户投资资金,都为客户提供代表性参与服务的公司,如投票建议和直接参与活动。


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NO.PZ2022120701000062问题如下A funmanagement entity thaances clients’ engagement activities even if not investing the client’s fun is best scribeas:A.a proxy firm.B.overlserviprovir.C.ESG investment consultant.Overlserviprovirs (suColumbia Threaeee Investments [REO] anSustainalytics) provi stewarhip overlservices, suvoting aianreengagement activities, for clients regaress of whether they invest fun on the client’s behalf Proxy aisers (suISS anGlass Lewis) provi voting aianassist with processing votes, but n’t rectly aanengagement on their clients’ behalf ESG investment consultants (suMercer) typically rate the ESG expertise of funmanagers很多考点都是这些细节,既然是考点,老师讲课为啥不特殊标记和划一下?

2024-01-05 13:23 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2022120701000062 问题如下 A funmanagement entity thaances clients’ engagement activities even if not investing the client’s fun is best scribeas: A.a proxy firm. B.overlserviprovir. C.ESG investment consultant. Overlserviprovirs (suColumbia Threaeee Investments [REO] anSustainalytics) provi stewarhip overlservices, suvoting aianreengagement activities, for clients regaress of whether they invest fun on the client’s behalf Proxy aisers (suISS anGlass Lewis) provi voting aianassist with processing votes, but n’t rectly aanengagement on their clients’ behalf ESG investment consultants (suMercer) typically rate the ESG expertise of funmanagers 老师,A和B有什么区别?这道题为什么选B?

2023-06-13 10:58 3 · 回答

NO.PZ2022120701000062 问题如下 A funmanagement entity thaances clients’ engagement activities even if not investing the client’s fun is best scribeas: A.a proxy firm. B.overlserviprovir. C.ESG investment consultant. Overlserviprovirs (suColumbia Threaeee Investments [REO] anSustainalytics) provi stewarhip overlservices, suvoting aianreengagement activities, for clients regaress of whether they invest fun on the client’s behalf Proxy aisers (suISS anGlass Lewis) provi voting aianassist with processing votes, but n’t rectly aanengagement on their clients’ behalf ESG investment consultants (suMercer) typically rate the ESG expertise of funmanagers 老师,这道题不理解什么意思?

2023-05-26 14:44 2 · 回答

NO.PZ2022120701000062 问题如下 A funmanagement entity thaances clients’ engagement activities even if not investing the client’s fun is best scribeas: A.a proxy firm. B.overlserviprovir. C.ESG investment consultant. Overlserviprovirs (suColumbia Threaeee Investments [REO] anSustainalytics) provi stewarhip overlservices, suvoting aianreengagement activities, for clients regaress of whether they invest fun on the client’s behalf Proxy aisers (suISS anGlass Lewis) provi voting aianassist with processing votes, but n’t rectly aanengagement on their clients’ behalf ESG investment consultants (suMercer) typically rate the ESG expertise of funmanagers 老师,这道题看不懂

2023-05-22 22:57 1 · 回答