Carlyle explains to Lee that a complete analysis of the impact of a share repurchase should also include an evalua¬tion of the effects on leverage. She points out that Avignon’s most recent bond issue includes a covenant that limits the company’s debt-to-equity ratio to 35%. She asks Lee to prepare an analysis for Avignon, using the information in Exhibit 3, to see if the debt covenant will be violated if the company repurchases shares.
Exhibit 3 Avignon Corporation Selected Financial Information as of Year-End 2016
The best answer to Carlyle’s question about the potential violation of the debt covenants is that the covenant:
A.will be violated if Avignon uses debt to finance the repurchase.
will be violated if Avignon uses the surplus cash to finance the repurchase.
is not violated if Avignon repurchases shares.
The debt-financed repurchase increases the debt-to-equity ratio above the 35% threshold and thus violates the debt covenant.
B is incorrect. The D/E stays below 35% when the company uses the surplus cash to finance the repurchase. (See table above: 31.7%.)
C is incorrect. The D/E is above the 35% threshold when the repurchase is financed with debt.
cash available for repurchase 不应该是可以用于回购的cash? 一定等于回购额?