2.2 A majority of the research papers on the topic find that companies with long standing goodpractice in terms of sustainability tend to: (V3 Mock #1)
A.Outperform their peers in both accounting performance and stock markets returns.
B.Underperform their peers in accounting performance and stock markets returns.
Outperform their peers in accounting performance but underperform in stock market
D.Underperform their peers in accounting performance and outperforms in stock marketsreturns.
Correct Answer: A
选项A正确,该题考察 Metaanalysis 的结论。德意志银行评估了 100 多份学术研究89%的研究表明有着高 ESG 评级的公司股票表现超越资本市场表现,并且 85%的研究表明这些公司在商业领域的表现也很突出