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Min · 2023年11月05日

为什么P/E ratio和performance负相关就是market anomaly



An observation that stocks with above average price-to-earnings ratios have consistently underperformed those with below average price-to-earnings ratios least likely contradicts which form of market efficiency?



Weak form


Semi-strong form


Strong form


The observation that stocks with high above average price-to-earnings ratios have consistently underperformed those with below average price-to-earnings ratios is a cross-sectional anomaly. It is a contradiction to the semi-strong form of market efficiency and strong form market efficiency because all the information used to categorize stocks by their price-to-earnings ratios is publicly available. It is not a contradiction to weak form market efficiency.

解答说较高P/E ratio的股票比较低P/E ratio的股票表现差,是因为semi-strong form efficiency。

我的理解是:P/E是public information,在semi-strong form efficiency成立时P/E的影响应该会被考虑在stock price中。但题干只是说较高股票的P/E ratio和股票表现存在负相关性而已?哪怕P/E ratio已经被市场考虑了也是有可能的啊?我的理解哪里有问题?

2 个答案

王园圆_品职助教 · 2023年11月06日


王园圆_品职助教 · 2023年11月05日

同学你好,你需要知道,P/E 是一个非常典型的体现股票价值的公开市场信息



Min · 2023年11月06日

谢谢您的解答! 总结一下: 本题题干隐含的推论是:利用“买入低于平均P/E ratio的股票, 卖出高于平均P/E ratio的股票”的策略可以持续盈利,从而推断出“基本面分析有用”得到“半强有效市场不成立”的结论。

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NO.PZ2023040301000101 问题如下 observation thstocks with above average price-to-earnings ratios have consistently unrperformethose with below average price-to-earnings ratios least likely contracts whiform of market efficiency? A.Weform B.Semi-strong form C.Strong form The observation thstocks with high above average price-to-earnings ratios have consistently unrperformethose with below average price-to-earnings ratios is a cross-sectionanomaly. It is a contraction to the semi-strong form of market efficienanstrong form market efficienbecause all the information useto categorize stocks their price-to-earnings ratios is publicly available. It is not a contraction to weform market efficiency. 题目说,在这个市场上,P/E值偏高的公司会表现持续偏差——也就是说只要持续做空P/E值偏高的公司或是持续买入P/E值偏低的公司,在这种市场就可以持续盈利P/E是基本面分析用到的最常见指标。既然利用基本面分析的指标可以持续盈利,说明这个市场的基本面分析依然有用题目说的是 P/E高的unrproform 是什么意思,表现更差?

2024-04-11 19:39 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2023040301000101 问题如下 observation thstocks with above average price-to-earnings ratios have consistently unrperformethose with below average price-to-earnings ratios least likely contracts whiform of market efficiency? A.Weform B.Semi-strong form C.Strong form The observation thstocks with high above average price-to-earnings ratios have consistently unrperformethose with below average price-to-earnings ratios is a cross-sectionanomaly. It is a contraction to the semi-strong form of market efficienanstrong form market efficienbecause all the information useto categorize stocks their price-to-earnings ratios is publicly available. It is not a contraction to weform market efficiency. 这题不应该选b吗,还是没绕明白

2023-12-16 09:15 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2023040301000101 问题如下 observation thstocks with above average price-to-earnings ratios have consistently unrperformethose with below average price-to-earnings ratios least likely contracts whiform of market efficiency? A.Weform B.Semi-strong form C.Strong form The observation thstocks with high above average price-to-earnings ratios have consistently unrperformethose with below average price-to-earnings ratios is a cross-sectionanomaly. It is a contraction to the semi-strong form of market efficienanstrong form market efficienbecause all the information useto categorize stocks their price-to-earnings ratios is publicly available. It is not a contraction to weform market efficiency. 都semi-strong不成立了,怎么weform 还成立

2023-05-10 21:45 1 · 回答