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jecy8818 · 2023年10月29日




Daniel Stinner was asked by the head of Research at Lopse Ratings to propose a methodology to

rate sovereigns. Lopse Ratings is a well regarded rating agency, but it has been falling behind its

peers because, whilst it has integrated ESG within corporate issuers, it has not yet integrated ESG

within sovereign issuers.

After a few months of research in the industry and within Lopse, Daniel proposed the following to

the Head of Research:

E, S and G weights to a final ESG score reflect the extent that the individual factor is a driver from

a credit perspective. Scores range from factors that individually are adequately managed or

contributing to the sovereign’s financial capacity (5) to those which may impose a significant strain

on financial streams (1). They do not make value judgments on whether a sovereign engages in

'good' or 'bad' ESG practices. Instead, they draw out how E, S and G factors are influencing the

credit rating decision.


Social factors also have an important influence on sovereign ratings. Certain factors are related to

government’s accountability, while others impact the longer-term productivity, and thus growth

(plus indirectly, taxing capability) of the country. These factors are considered as the ‘S’ within ESG.

Environmental risks, the ‘E’ within ESG, were identified as more idiosyncratic to each country based

on their location and dependency.

Weighted average of the factors within each of the E, S and G pillars provide the score for that pillar,

and the weighted average of the pillars provide the final ESG score for the sovereign issuer.

Daniel provided examples of the rating system applied to two different sovereigns, as detailed


What might explain the different trends Country A and Country B are experiencing with

regards to demographics?


A.In developed markets, such as Country A, the ratio between the active and inactive part of the workforce drops. B.In developed markets, such as Country B, the ratio between the active and inactive part of the workforce rises. C.In developing markets, such as Country B, the ratio between the active and inactive part of the workforce drops. D.In developing markets, such as Country A, the ratio between the active and inactive part of the workforce drops.




1 个答案

Tina_品职助教 · 2023年10月29日






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NO.PZ2022120702000031 问题如下 niel Stinner waskethe heof ResearLopse Ratings to propose a methology to rate sovereigns. Lopse Ratings is a well regarrating agency, but it hbeen falling behinits peers because, whilst it hintegrateESG within corporate issuers, it hnot yet integrateESG within sovereign issuers.After a few months of researin the instry anwithin Lopse, niel proposethe following to the Heof Research:E, S anG weights to a finESG score reflethe extent ththe invifactor is a iver from a cret perspective. Scores range from factors thinvially are aquately manageor contributing to the sovereign’s financicapacity (5) to those whimimpose a significant strain on financistreams (1). They not make value juments on whether a sovereign engages in 'goo or 'ba ESG practices. Instea they out how E, S anG factors are influencing the cret rating cision.……Socifactors also have important influenon sovereign ratings. Certain factors are relateto government’s accountability, while others impathe longer-term proctivity, anthus growth (plus inrectly, taxing capability) of the country. These factors are consirethe ‘S’ within ESG. Environmentrisks, the ‘E’ within ESG, were intifiemore iosyncratic to eacountry baseon their location anpenncy.Weighteaverage of the factors within eaof the E, S anG pillars provi the score for thpillar, anthe weighteaverage of the pillars provi the finESG score for the sovereign issuer.niel proviexamples of the rating system applieto two fferent sovereigns, tailebelow. Whmight explain the fferent tren Country A anCountry B are experiencing withregar to mographics? A.In velopemarkets, suCountry the ratio between the active aninactive part of the workforops. B.In velopemarkets, suCountry the ratio between the active aninactive part of the workforrises. C.In veloping markets, suCountry the ratio between the active aninactive part of the workforops. In veloping markets, suCountry the ratio between the active aninactive part of the workforops. A正确。根据评分规则,得分越高说明这个国家在ESG方面因素的管理更加充分,因此A国为发达国家,B国为发展中国家。其中A国在人口结构这个因素上的得分较低,且未来趋势将会变得更糟,说明其劳动力市场结构恶化,活跃劳动力的占比将会进一步降低。B国的情况与之相反。 本题一直说A的得分高,所以是发达国家,这个是哪里有说明呀?A有得分高的,也有得分低的呀

2024-06-17 22:59 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2022120702000031问题如下 niel Stinner waskethe heof ResearLopse Ratings to propose a methology to rate sovereigns. Lopse Ratings is a well regarrating agency, but it hbeen falling behinits peers because, whilst it hintegrateESG within corporate issuers, it hnot yet integrateESG within sovereign issuers.After a few months of researin the instry anwithin Lopse, niel proposethe following to the Heof Research:E, S anG weights to a finESG score reflethe extent ththe invifactor is a iver from a cret perspective. Scores range from factors thinvially are aquately manageor contributing to the sovereign’s financicapacity (5) to those whimimpose a significant strain on financistreams (1). They not make value juments on whether a sovereign engages in 'goo or 'ba ESG practices. Instea they out how E, S anG factors are influencing the cret rating cision.……Socifactors also have important influenon sovereign ratings. Certain factors are relateto government’s accountability, while others impathe longer-term proctivity, anthus growth (plus inrectly, taxing capability) of the country. These factors are consirethe ‘S’ within ESG. Environmentrisks, the ‘E’ within ESG, were intifiemore iosyncratic to eacountry baseon their location anpenncy.Weighteaverage of the factors within eaof the E, S anG pillars provi the score for thpillar, anthe weighteaverage of the pillars provi the finESG score for the sovereign issuer.niel proviexamples of the rating system applieto two fferent sovereigns, tailebelow. Whmight explain the fferent tren Country A anCountry B are experiencing withregar to mographics? A.In velopemarkets, suCountry the ratio between the active aninactive part of the workforops.B.In velopemarkets, suCountry the ratio between the active aninactive part of the workforrises.C.In veloping markets, suCountry the ratio between the active aninactive part of the workforops.In veloping markets, suCountry the ratio between the active aninactive part of the workforops.A正确。根据评分规则,得分越高说明这个国家在ESG方面因素的管理更加充分,因此A国为发达国家,B国为发展中国家。其中A国在人口结构这个因素上的得分较低,且未来趋势将会变得更糟,说明其劳动力市场结构恶化,活跃劳动力的占比将会进一步降低。B国的情况与之相反。mography下降,人口结构下降,然后活跃人口比下降。这个单词题,弄了这么多概念和文字,混淆了重点。

2024-06-09 07:14 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2022120702000031问题如下 niel Stinner waskethe heof ResearLopse Ratings to propose a methology to rate sovereigns. Lopse Ratings is a well regarrating agency, but it hbeen falling behinits peers because, whilst it hintegrateESG within corporate issuers, it hnot yet integrateESG within sovereign issuers.After a few months of researin the instry anwithin Lopse, niel proposethe following to the Heof Research:E, S anG weights to a finESG score reflethe extent ththe invifactor is a iver from a cret perspective. Scores range from factors thinvially are aquately manageor contributing to the sovereign’s financicapacity (5) to those whimimpose a significant strain on financistreams (1). They not make value juments on whether a sovereign engages in 'goo or 'ba ESG practices. Instea they out how E, S anG factors are influencing the cret rating cision.……Socifactors also have important influenon sovereign ratings. Certain factors are relateto government’s accountability, while others impathe longer-term proctivity, anthus growth (plus inrectly, taxing capability) of the country. These factors are consirethe ‘S’ within ESG. Environmentrisks, the ‘E’ within ESG, were intifiemore iosyncratic to eacountry baseon their location anpenncy.Weighteaverage of the factors within eaof the E, S anG pillars provi the score for thpillar, anthe weighteaverage of the pillars provi the finESG score for the sovereign issuer.niel proviexamples of the rating system applieto two fferent sovereigns, tailebelow. Whmight explain the fferent tren Country A anCountry B are experiencing withregar to mographics? A.In velopemarkets, suCountry the ratio between the active aninactive part of the workforops.B.In velopemarkets, suCountry the ratio between the active aninactive part of the workforrises.C.In veloping markets, suCountry the ratio between the active aninactive part of the workforops.In veloping markets, suCountry the ratio between the active aninactive part of the workforops.A正确。根据评分规则,得分越高说明这个国家在ESG方面因素的管理更加充分,因此A国为发达国家,B国为发展中国家。其中A国在人口结构这个因素上的得分较低,且未来趋势将会变得更糟,说明其劳动力市场结构恶化,活跃劳动力的占比将会进一步降低。B国的情况与之相反。A和C其实都对啊 按照答案的

2024-05-07 07:21 2 · 回答

NO.PZ2022120702000031问题如下 niel Stinner waskethe heof ResearLopse Ratings to propose a methology to rate sovereigns. Lopse Ratings is a well regarrating agency, but it hbeen falling behinits peers because, whilst it hintegrateESG within corporate issuers, it hnot yet integrateESG within sovereign issuers.After a few months of researin the instry anwithin Lopse, niel proposethe following to the Heof Research:E, S anG weights to a finESG score reflethe extent ththe invifactor is a iver from a cret perspective. Scores range from factors thinvially are aquately manageor contributing to the sovereign’s financicapacity (5) to those whimimpose a significant strain on financistreams (1). They not make value juments on whether a sovereign engages in 'goo or 'ba ESG practices. Instea they out how E, S anG factors are influencing the cret rating cision.……Socifactors also have important influenon sovereign ratings. Certain factors are relateto government’s accountability, while others impathe longer-term proctivity, anthus growth (plus inrectly, taxing capability) of the country. These factors are consirethe ‘S’ within ESG. Environmentrisks, the ‘E’ within ESG, were intifiemore iosyncratic to eacountry baseon their location anpenncy.Weighteaverage of the factors within eaof the E, S anG pillars provi the score for thpillar, anthe weighteaverage of the pillars provi the finESG score for the sovereign issuer.niel proviexamples of the rating system applieto two fferent sovereigns, tailebelow. Whmight explain the fferent tren Country A anCountry B are experiencing withregar to mographics? A.In velopemarkets, suCountry the ratio between the active aninactive part of the workforops.B.In velopemarkets, suCountry the ratio between the active aninactive part of the workforrises.C.In veloping markets, suCountry the ratio between the active aninactive part of the workforops.In veloping markets, suCountry the ratio between the active aninactive part of the workforops.A正确。根据评分规则,得分越高说明这个国家在ESG方面因素的管理更加充分,因此A国为发达国家,B国为发展中国家。其中A国在人口结构这个因素上的得分较低,且未来趋势将会变得更糟,说明其劳动力市场结构恶化,活跃劳动力的占比将会进一步降低。B国的情况与之相反。个人感觉这道题目有问题?认定a为发展中国家,是相对b而言?(分数比b国家高)但不严谨,并没有给出一个标准定义多少分为发达国家?题外话发达和不发达也不能光看某些指标

2024-04-18 11:12 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2022120702000031 问题如下 niel Stinner waskethe heof ResearLopse Ratings to propose a methology to rate sovereigns. Lopse Ratings is a well regarrating agency, but it hbeen falling behinits peers because, whilst it hintegrateESG within corporate issuers, it hnot yet integrateESG within sovereign issuers.After a few months of researin the instry anwithin Lopse, niel proposethe following to the Heof Research:E, S anG weights to a finESG score reflethe extent ththe invifactor is a iver from a cret perspective. Scores range from factors thinvially are aquately manageor contributing to the sovereign’s financicapacity (5) to those whimimpose a significant strain on financistreams (1). They not make value juments on whether a sovereign engages in 'goo or 'ba ESG practices. Instea they out how E, S anG factors are influencing the cret rating cision.……Socifactors also have important influenon sovereign ratings. Certain factors are relateto government’s accountability, while others impathe longer-term proctivity, anthus growth (plus inrectly, taxing capability) of the country. These factors are consirethe ‘S’ within ESG. Environmentrisks, the ‘E’ within ESG, were intifiemore iosyncratic to eacountry baseon their location anpenncy.Weighteaverage of the factors within eaof the E, S anG pillars provi the score for thpillar, anthe weighteaverage of the pillars provi the finESG score for the sovereign issuer.niel proviexamples of the rating system applieto two fferent sovereigns, tailebelow. Whmight explain the fferent tren Country A anCountry B are experiencing withregar to mographics? A.In velopemarkets, suCountry the ratio between the active aninactive part of the workforops. B.In velopemarkets, suCountry the ratio between the active aninactive part of the workforrises. C.In veloping markets, suCountry the ratio between the active aninactive part of the workforops. In veloping markets, suCountry the ratio between the active aninactive part of the workforops. A正确。根据评分规则,得分越高说明这个国家在ESG方面因素的管理更加充分,因此A国为发达国家,B国为发展中国家。其中A国在人口结构这个因素上的得分较低,且未来趋势将会变得更糟,说明其劳动力市场结构恶化,活跃劳动力的占比将会进一步降低。B国的情况与之相反。 请问在哪里可以体现到A是发达国家,B为发展中国家?谢谢!

2024-01-12 11:00 1 · 回答