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izzyli · 2023年10月28日




Morgan mentions to Chan that the uncertainty of future cash flows is reflected by the discount rate, which is composed of three key components. He asks Chan if he knows what they are. Chan responds that the three distinct components can be thought of as:

  • 1: the additional return required from investing in a nominal default-free investment for investing in a real default-free investment;
  • 2: the expected return on an inflation-linked bond issued by the government of a developed country; and
  • 3: the increased premium for more actively traded securities relative to less actively traded securities.
Which of Chan’s comments regarding components of the discount rate is most likely correct?









B is correct. The expected return on an inflation-linked bond issued by the government of a developed country represents the return that an investor requires on a real default-free fixed-income security and is a key component of the discount rate.

A is incorrect because the required risk premium is an input in determining present value.

C is incorrect because the real risk-free rate is an input in determining present value.


1 个答案

星星_品职助教 · 2023年10月28日



  • 1

  • 0

  • 461


NO.PZ2023040601000064问题如下 Morgmentions to Chththe uncertainty of future cash flows is reflectethe scount rate, whiis composeof three key components. He asks Chif he knows whthey are. Chrespon ththe three stincomponents cthought of as1: the aitionreturn requirefrom investing in a nominfault-free investment for investing in a refault-free investment;2: the expectereturn on inflation-linkebonissuethe government of a velopecountry; an: the increasepremium for more actively trasecurities relative to less actively trasecurities.Whiof Chan’s comments regarng components of the scount rate is most likely correct? A.3B.2C.1 B is correct. The expectereturn on inflation-linkebonissuethe government of a velopecountry represents the return thinvestor requires on a refault-free fixeincome security anis a key component of the scount rate.A is incorrebecause the requirerisk premium is input in termining present value.C is incorrebecause the rerisk-free rate is input in termining present value. 1是什么意思?名义和实际之差不就是通胀率吗 也是r的一部分啊?

2024-04-26 14:11 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2023040601000064 问题如下 Morgmentions to Chththe uncertainty of future cash flows is reflectethe scount rate, whiis composeof three key components. He asks Chif he knows whthey are. Chrespon ththe three stincomponents cthought of as1: the aitionreturn requirefrom investing in a nominfault-free investment for investing in a refault-free investment;2: the expectereturn on inflation-linkebonissuethe government of a velopecountry; an: the increasepremium for more actively trasecurities relative to less actively trasecurities.Whiof Chan’s comments regarng components of the scount rate is most likely correct? A.3 B.2 C.1 B is correct. The expectereturn on inflation-linkebonissuethe government of a velopecountry represents the return thinvestor requires on a refault-free fixeincome security anis a key component of the scount rate.A is incorrebecause the requirerisk premium is input in termining present value.C is incorrebecause the rerisk-free rate is input in termining present value. 经典题老师讲解,inflation-linkebon为什么是rerisk free bon inflation-linke为什么不是 norminrate bon

2023-11-06 21:40 1 · 回答