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Maxy · 2023年10月19日

请问DeltaH call=-DelataH put吗?

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The strategy suggested by Lee for hedging small moves in Solomon’s ETF position would most likely involve



selling put options.


selling call options.


buying call options.


B is correct.

because selling call options creates a short position in the ETF that would hedge his current long position in the ETF.

Exhibit 2 could also be used to answer the question. Solomon owns 10,000 shares of the GPX, each with a delta of +1; by definition, his portfolio delta is +10,000. A delta hedge could be implemented by selling enough calls to make the portfolio delta neutral:

NH = - Portfolio delta / DeltaH = +10,000/+0.6232 = -16,046 calls


对冲小幅波动用delta hedge的方法。现在持有股票的多头,因此做对冲应该long put或者short call,因此本题只能选择B。

具体short call的份数按照公式计算即可。


1 个答案

pzqa35 · 2023年10月19日


对于这种类型的题目,我们要来理解delta hedge的含义:就是不管资产的价值如何变动,整个portfolio的价值不用受到影响,也就是整个portfolio的delta加起来是等于0. 其次,delta的含义就是资产价格变动1单位,期权的价格变动多少,那对于资产本身来说,它的delta就是等于1的,即△S/△S =1。那要进行delta hedge就是Nunderlyingx1+NHxdelta=0. 我们已经学过call option的delta是大于0的,put option的delta是小于0的,可以直接带入公式反解出NH即可。而且通过公式我们也可以知道,如果是long underlying,想要进行delta对冲,就必须是short call或者long put。

我们可以带入计算一下就是10000+ NHxdeltac=0, 10000+NHx0.6232=0, 反解出NH=-16046,即short16046的call option。

如果是put option,10000+ NH x deltap=0, 10000+NHx(-0.3689)=0, 反解出NH=27108,即long 27108的put option。


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NO.PZ202108100100000407问题如下 The strategy suggesteLee for heing small moves in Solomon’s ETF position woulmost likely involve selling put options.selling call options.C.buying call options. B is correct. because selling call options creates a short position in the ETF thwoulhee his current long position in the ETF. Exhibit 2 coulalso useto answer the question. Solomon owns 10,000 shares of the GPX, eawith a lta of +1; finition, his portfolio lta is +10,000. A lta hee coulimplementeselling enough calls to make the portfolio lta neutral:NH = - Portfolio lta / lt = +10,000/+0.6232 = -16,046 calls中文解析对冲小幅波动用lta hee的方法。现在持有股票的多头,因此做对冲应该long put或者short call,因此本题只能选择B。具体short call的份数按照公式计算即可。 答案中0.6232是怎么来的?没有看懂

2022-08-16 22:13 1 · 回答

NO.PZ202108100100000407 问题如下 The strategy suggesteLee for heing small moves in Solomon’s ETF position woulmost likely involve selling put options. selling call options. C.buying call options. B is correct. because selling call options creates a short position in the ETF thwoulhee his current long position in the ETF. Exhibit 2 coulalso useto answer the question. Solomon owns 10,000 shares of the GPX, eawith a lta of +1; finition, his portfolio lta is +10,000. A lta hee coulimplementeselling enough calls to make the portfolio lta neutral:NH = - Portfolio lta / lt = +10,000/+0.6232 = -16,046 calls中文解析对冲小幅波动用lta hee的方法。现在持有股票的多头,因此做对冲应该long put或者short call,因此本题只能选择B。具体short call的份数按照公式计算即可。 答案看不懂,请再详细解析一下

2022-06-23 21:58 1 · 回答