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Colin · 2023年10月16日

预期未来收益的现值反映在Economic (Holistic) Balance Sheet上



Jacques, age 25, has recently found his first job in the financial industry. He has 5,400 in his saving account and no other investment assets. His student loan are still outstanding. According to his personal situation, on which balance sheet are his future earnings reflected?



economic balance sheet.


traditional balance sheet.


both the economic and the traditional balance sheets.


A is correct.

考点Economic (Holistic) Balance Sheet

解析预期未来收益的现值反映在Economic (Holistic) Balance Sheet而不是traditional balance sheet


1 个答案

王暄_品职助教 · 2023年10月17日

这题问:future earning 体现在哪个balance sheet上

  • 1

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  • 189


NO.PZ2018091705000071 问题如下 Jacques, age 25, hrecently founhis first job in the financiinstry. He h5,400 in his saving account anno other investment assets. His stunt loare still outstanng. Accorng to his personsituation, on whibalansheet are his future earnings reflecte economic balansheet. trationbalansheet. C.both the economic anthe trationbalansheets. A is correct. 考点:Economic (HolistiBalanSheet 解析:预期未来收益的现值反映在Economic (HolistiBalanSheet上,而不是trationbalansheet上。 如题,因为holistic是更全面的B/S,它不是包含trational的吗?

2024-06-23 23:12 2 · 回答

NO.PZ2018091705000071问题如下 Jacques, age 25, hrecently founhis first job in the financiinstry. He h5,400 in his saving account anno other investment assets. His stunt loare still outstanng. Accorng to his personsituation, on whibalansheet are his future earnings reflecte economic balansheet. trationbalansheet. both the economic anthe trationbalansheets. A is correct. 考点:Economic (HolistiBalanSheet 解析:预期未来收益的现值反映在Economic (HolistiBalanSheet上,而不是trationbalansheet上。 我的想法是 他未来的收入也可能变为投资存款之类的呀?所以选了both , 是我想多了吗?

2023-08-16 15:27 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2018091705000071 问题如下 Jacques, age 25, hrecently founhis first job in the financiinstry. He h5,400 in his saving account anno other investment assets. His stunt loare still outstanng. Accorng to his personsituation, on whibalansheet are his future earnings reflecte economic balansheet. trationbalansheet. both the economic anthe trationbalansheets. A is correct. 考点:Economic (HolistiBalanSheet 解析:预期未来收益的现值反映在Economic (HolistiBalanSheet上,而不是trationbalansheet上。

2022-05-20 21:26 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2018091705000071 问题如下 Jacques, age 25, hrecently founhis first job in the financiinstry. He h5,400 in his saving account anno other investment assets. His stunt loare still outstanng. Accorng to his personsituation, on whibalansheet are his future earnings reflecte economic balansheet. trationbalansheet. both the economic anthe trationbalansheets. A is correct. 考点:Economic (HolistiBalanSheet 解析:预期未来收益的现值反映在Economic (HolistiBalanSheet上,而不是trationbalansheet上。 future earning里unvestepension 不是属于HC吗?

2022-05-06 09:37 1 · 回答