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pengyaning · 2023年10月15日




A senior manager on the proprietary trading desk of an investment bank is evaluating the performance of two fixed-income traders, trader A and trader B, using their annual performance over the last 10 years. Trader A generated an average return of 7% with a standard deviation of 15%, while trader B generated an average return of 12% with a standard deviation of 20%. The manager tests the null hypothesis that the traders performed equally well against the alternative hypothesis that the average return of trader B is higher than the average return of trader A. Assuming the performances of each trader are independent, which of the following correctly identifies the test statistic and the 5% critical value corresponding to this alternative hypothesis?



The test statistic is -0.63 and the critical value is 2.31.


The test statistic is -0.27 and the critical value is 2.31.


The test statistic is 0.27 and the critical value is 1.86.


The test statistic is 0.63 and the critical value is 1.86.


D is correct. If we let X and Y denote traders B and A respectively (noting that it is safest to work with proportions rather than percentages) the test statistic for testing that the means are equal (i.e., 𝐻0:𝜇𝑋=𝜇𝑌) is:

Note that the denominator no longer has the (2σXY/n) component in the calculation; this is because the two performance results are independent – as such, the correlation between X and Y is 0. The statistic 0.63 follows a t-distribution with 8 degrees of freedom and a 5% (one-sided) size of test uses the critical value of 1.86.

题目中“ the null hypothesis that the traders performed equally well”原假设显示此题是双尾,5%显著性水平,因此我理解关键值应该对应2.5% one side? 还有分子是12%-7%,为什们不是7%-12%?

1 个答案

品职答疑小助手雍 · 2023年10月16日



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NO.PZ2023091601000063问题如下 A senior manager on the proprietary trangsk of investment bank is evaluating the performanof two fixeincometrars, trar A antrar using their annuperformanover the last 10years. Trar A generateaverage return of 7% with a stanrviation of15%, while trar B generateaverage return of 12% with a stanreviation of 20%. The manager tests the null hypothesis ththe trarsperformeequally well against the alternative hypothesis ththe averagereturn of trar B is higher ththe average return of trar Assuming theperformances of eatrar are inpennt, whiof the following correctly intifiesthe test statistic anthe 5% criticvalue corresponng to this alternativehypothesis? A.The test statisticis -0.63 anthe criticvalue is 2.31. B.The test statisticis -0.27 anthe criticvalue is 2.31. C.The test statisticis 0.27 anthe criticvalue is 1.86. The test statisticis 0.63 anthe criticvalue is 1.86. is correct. Ifwe let X anY note trars B anA respectively (noting thit is safest towork with proportions rather thpercentages) the test statistic for testingththe means are equ(i.e., 𝐻0:𝜇𝑋=𝜇𝑌) is: Noteththe nominator no longer hthe (2σXY/n) component in the calculation;this is because the two performanresults are inpennt – such, thecorrelation between X anY is 0. The statistic 0.63 follows a t-stributionwith 8 grees of freem ana 5% (one-si size of test uses the criticalvalue of 1.86. 老师好,为什么自由度是8而不是9,n不是10吗?为什么结果要用绝对值?

2024-06-01 22:23 2 · 回答

NO.PZ2023091601000063 问题如下 A senior manager on the proprietary trangsk of investment bank is evaluating the performanof two fixeincometrars, trar A antrar using their annuperformanover the last 10years. Trar A generateaverage return of 7% with a stanrviation of15%, while trar B generateaverage return of 12% with a stanreviation of 20%. The manager tests the null hypothesis ththe trarsperformeequally well against the alternative hypothesis ththe averagereturn of trar B is higher ththe average return of trar Assuming theperformances of eatrar are inpennt, whiof the following correctly intifiesthe test statistic anthe 5% criticvalue corresponng to this alternativehypothesis? A.The test statisticis -0.63 anthe criticvalue is 2.31. B.The test statisticis -0.27 anthe criticvalue is 2.31. C.The test statisticis 0.27 anthe criticvalue is 1.86. The test statisticis 0.63 anthe criticvalue is 1.86. is correct. Ifwe let X anY note trars B anA respectively (noting thit is safest towork with proportions rather thpercentages) the test statistic for testingththe means are equ(i.e., 𝐻0:𝜇𝑋=𝜇𝑌) is: Noteththe nominator no longer hthe (2σXY/n) component in the calculation;this is because the two performanresults are inpennt – such, thecorrelation between X anY is 0. The statistic 0.63 follows a t-stributionwith 8 grees of freem ana 5% (one-si size of test uses the criticalvalue of 1.86. criticvalue of 1.86是怎么得到的吗?用的是T表吗?

2024-05-02 15:54 1 · 回答