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lcrcp3 · 2023年10月11日




Risk-averse investors demanding a large equity risk premium are most likely expecting their future consumption outcomes and equity returns to be:





positively correlated.


negatively correlated.


If investors demand high equity risk premiums, they are likely expecting their future consumption and equity returns to be positively correlated. The positive correlation indicates that equities will exhibit poor hedging properties, as equity returns will be high (e.g., pay off) during “good times” and will be low (e.g., not pay off) during “bad times”. In other words, the covariance between risk-averse investors’ inter-temporal rates of substitution and the expected future prices of equities is highly negative, resulting in a positive and large equity risk premium. This is the case because, in good times, when equity returns are high, the marginal value of consumption is low. Similarly, in bad times, when equity returns are low, the marginal value of consumption is high. Holding all else constant, the larger the magnitude of the negative covariance term, the larger the risk premium.


2 个答案

星星_品职助教 · 2023年10月14日


星星_品职助教 · 2023年10月14日


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NO.PZ2023040601000085问题如下 Risk-averse investors manng a large equity risk premium are most likely expecting their future consumption outcomes anequity returns to be: A.uncorrelateB.positively correlateC.negatively correlate If investors manhigh equity risk premiums, they are likely expecting their future consumption anequity returns to positively correlate The positive correlation incates thequities will exhibit poor heing properties, equity returns will high (e.g., poff) ring “gootimes” anwill low (e.g., not poff) ring “btimes”. In other wor, the covarianbetween risk-averse investors’ inter-temporrates of substitution anthe expectefuture prices of equities is highly negative, resulting in a positive anlarge equity risk premium. This is the case because, in gootimes, when equity returns are high, the marginvalue of consumption is low. Similarly, in btimes, when equity returns are low, the marginvalue of consumption is high. Holng all else constant, the larger the magnitu of the negative covarianterm, the larger the risk premium. 老师好,想请教下,如果把这里的Equity Return理解为RequireRate of Equity的话,是不是就是负相关了呢?因为ERP增加,根据CAPM的话RE也会增加。

2024-11-04 11:45 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2023040601000085 问题如下 Risk-averse investors manng a large equity risk premium are most likely expecting their future consumption outcomes anequity returns to be: A.uncorrelate B.positively correlate C.negatively correlate If investors manhigh equity risk premiums, they are likely expecting their future consumption anequity returns to positively correlate The positive correlation incates thequities will exhibit poor heing properties, equity returns will high (e.g., poff) ring “gootimes” anwill low (e.g., not poff) ring “btimes”. In other wor, the covarianbetween risk-averse investors’ inter-temporrates of substitution anthe expectefuture prices of equities is highly negative, resulting in a positive anlarge equity risk premium. This is the case because, in gootimes, when equity returns are high, the marginvalue of consumption is low. Similarly, in btimes, when equity returns are low, the marginvalue of consumption is high. Holng all else constant, the larger the magnitu of the negative covarianterm, the larger the risk premium. whes future consumption outcome mean? es this mebenefit of consuming in the future compareto now.so a higher equity return woulmeconsume now, so isn't thinverse relationship. anwhis the relationship between \"future consumption outcome\" ansubsitution rate?

2023-10-20 06:32 1 · 回答