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SiriChing10 · 2023年10月04日

No.PZ2023041003000060 (选择题)



She decides that it would be prudent to temporarily hedge the 100,000 shares of Apoth she owns until the outcome of the FDA’s review is complete.

“The best strategy to hedge your shares in Apoth would be to buy 6-month European put options to protect from a loss if the FDA rejects Apoth’s new pharmaceutical.”

Using the data from Exhibit 2, the number of option X contracts that Klein would have to sell to implement the hedge strategy would be closest to:









The required number of call options to sell = Number of shares of underlying to be hedged/N(d1), where N(d1) is the estimated delta used for hedging a position with call options. There are 100,000 shares to be hedged and the N(d1) for Option X from Exhibit 2is 0.30. Thus, the required number of call options to sell is 100,000/0.30 = 333,333.

题目要求hedge long stock用short call, 四个选项中option Y & Z可以排除,因为是put option.

为什么不选option W? 如果用option W, -100,000/N(d1)0.56=178,571。

是因为没有这个选项,只能选OptionX的Nd1对应的333,333吗? 谢谢

2 个答案

pzqa35 · 2023年10月04日


题目中的描述为“the number of option X contracts that Klein would have to sell”,已经指定了要求通过short X来对冲风险。当然同学理解的short W也可以来对冲这个风险,但是因为题目中已经有指定的了,所以我们就根据题目要求来就可以了哈。


SiriChing10 · 2023年10月05日

你怎么没骂我没仔细读题 笑哭

pzqa35 · 2023年10月06日




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NO.PZ2023041003000060问题如下 She cis thit woule prunt to temporarily hee the 100,000 shares of Apoth she owns until theoutcome of the F’s review is complete.“The best strategyto hee your shares in Apoth woulto buy 6-month Europeput options toprotefrom a loss if the F rejects Apoth’s new pharmaceutical.”Using the tafrom Exhibit 2, the number of option X contracts thKlein woulhave to sellto implement the hee strategy woulclosest to: A.30,000.B.333,333C.476,190. The requireumber of call options to sell = Number of shares of unrlying to beheeN(), where N() is the estimatelta usefor heing a positionwith call options. There are 100,000 shares to heeanthe N() forOption X from Exhibit 2is 0.30. Thus, the requirenumber of call options tosell is 100,000/0.30 = 333,333. 为什么option的lta是n呢

2024-07-27 11:45 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2023041003000060 问题如下 She cis thit woule prunt to temporarily hee the 100,000 shares of Apoth she owns until theoutcome of the F’s review is complete.“The best strategyto hee your shares in Apoth woulto buy 6-month Europeput options toprotefrom a loss if the F rejects Apoth’s new pharmaceutical.”Using the tafrom Exhibit 2, the number of option X contracts thKlein woulhave to sellto implement the hee strategy woulclosest to: A.30,000. B.333,333 C.476,190. The requireumber of call options to sell = Number of shares of unrlying to beheeN(), where N() is the estimatelta usefor heing a positionwith call options. There are 100,000 shares to heeanthe N() forOption X from Exhibit 2is 0.30. Thus, the requirenumber of call options tosell is 100,000/0.30 = 333,333. 老师,可以讲解一下这道题吗,没有看懂答案

2024-07-16 15:18 2 · 回答