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缨水珞 · 2023年09月28日

Company A 的FCFE算出来是<0



Matt is forecasting FCFE for three companies by using the following equation: FCFE = NI – (1 – DR)(FCInv – Dep + WCInv). The relevant information of three companies is given in the following table. Which company is most likely inappropriate in using the equation?



Company B


Company C


Company A


A is correct.

考点:Special Issues: NCC Adjustments






1 个答案

王园圆_品职助教 · 2023年09月28日

同学你好,FCFE和FCFF 这两个现金流出现负数是很正常的事情哦,讲义和原版书都没有说过这两个现金流不能在某个时间点出现负数,事实上,实务中某一年或某几年公司的自由现金流出现负数也很正常


这里题目中说sale(purchase) of fixed assets,后面的金额是2400,没有带上括号,意思是2400是公司销售固定资产以后产生的现金流入而不是现金流出,所以你的公式里不应该-2400,而是应该+2400才对——这里改一下FCFE就是正数哦

  • 1

  • 0

  • 282


NO.PZ2018103102000112 问题如下 Matt is forecasting FCFE for three companies using the following equation: FCFE = NI – (1 – )(FCInv – p + WCInv). The relevant information of three companies is given in the following table. Whicompany is most likely inappropriate in using the equation? Company Company Company A is correct.考点SpeciIssues: NAustments解析题干中给出的计算FCFE的公式中只考虑了折旧这一项NCC,但是B公司相比其他两家公司有大量的除折旧外的NCC,所以B公司是最不适合用这个公式来计算FCFE的。 NO.PZ2018103102000112问题如下Matt is forecasting FCFE for three companies using the following equation: FCFE = NI – (1 – )(FCInv – p + WCInv). The relevant information of three companies is given in the following table. Whicompany is most likely inappropriate in using the equation?A.Company BB.Company CC.Company AA is correct.考点SpeciIssues: NAustments解析题干中给出的计算FCFE的公式中只考虑了折旧这一项NCC,但是B公司相比其他两家公司有大量的除折旧外的NCC,所以B公司是最不适合用这个公式来计算FCFE的。为什么计算的company c 的 fcfe = 1500+350+(450+80+3-350)-3500+(1238-1000) 0 ,如果是负值,不是也不能用fcfe来折现吗

2023-10-06 20:25 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2018103102000112 问题如下 Matt is forecasting FCFE for three companies using the following equation: FCFE = NI – (1 – )(FCInv – p + WCInv). The relevant information of three companies is given in the following table. Whicompany is most likely inappropriate in using the equation? Company Company Company A is correct.考点SpeciIssues: NAustments解析题干中给出的计算FCFE的公式中只考虑了折旧这一项NCC,但是B公司相比其他两家公司有大量的除折旧外的NCC,所以B公司是最不适合用这个公式来计算FCFE的。 如图,这个是总结的NCC调整,没找到Other non-cash expenses 。谢谢老师

2023-08-11 17:58 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2018103102000112问题如下Matt is forecasting FCFE for three companies using the following equation: FCFE = NI – (1 – )(FCInv – p + WCInv). The relevant information of three companies is given in the following table. Whicompany is most likely inappropriate in using the equation?Company Company Company A is correct.考点SpeciIssues: NAustments解析题干中给出的计算FCFE的公式中只考虑了折旧这一项NCC,但是B公司相比其他两家公司有大量的除折旧外的NCC,所以B公司是最不适合用这个公式来计算FCFE的。老师,您好,不太理解为什么NCC只能包括p才能用求NB,得出FCFE,倒回去听视频课,李老师在这个点上也没有详细去做展开原因,能否一下?

2023-05-09 11:59 3 · 回答

NO.PZ2018103102000112 问题如下 Matt is forecasting FCFE for three companies using the following equation: FCFE = NI – (1 – )(FCInv – p + WCInv). The relevant information of three companies is given in the following table. Whicompany is most likely inappropriate in using the equation? Company Company Company A is correct.考点SpeciIssues: NAustments解析题干中给出的计算FCFE的公式中只考虑了折旧这一项NCC,但是B公司相比其他两家公司有大量的除折旧外的NCC,所以B公司是最不适合用这个公式来计算FCFE的。 这道题为什么不是因为表格最后两项,发债和偿还债务,B公司的发债更多,导致资本结构变化,所以不能使用ratio来计算吗?

2022-07-15 20:20 1 · 回答