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8527 · 2023年09月08日


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Determine which one of the following reasons for the change in adjusted R2 from Model 2 to Model 3 is most likely to be correct.


A.Adjusted R2 decreases since adding MOM does not improve the overall explanatory power of Model 3. B.Adjusted R2 increases since adding SMB improves the overall explanatory power of Model 2. C.Adjusted R2 decreases since adding MOM improves the overall explanatory power of Model 3.


A is correct. Adjusted R2 in Model 3 decreases to 0.844 from 0.846 in Model 2.Model 3 includes all independent variables from Model 2, while adding MOM.Adding variables to a regression model always either increases R2 or causes it to stay the same. But adjusted R2 only increases if the new variable meets a threshold of significance, |t-statistic| > 1. MOM does not meet this threshold, indicatingit does not improve the overall explanatory power of Model 3.

如题 谢谢

1 个答案

星星_品职助教 · 2023年09月08日


本题的adjusted R2 从Model 2到Model 3是下降的。可参照题干图表或者直接看答案解析。故直接排除B选项的“increase”。

此外,Model 2和Model 3里都有SMB,也不存在“ adding SMB”。增加的变量是MOM。

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NO.PZ202208220100000201 问题如下 termine whione of the following reasons for the change in austeR2 from Mol 2 to Mol 3 is most likely to correct. A.AusteR2 creases sinaing MOM es not improve the overall explanatory power of Mol 3. B.AusteR2 increases sinaing SMB improves the overall explanatory power of Mol 2. C.AusteR2 creases sinaing MOM improves the overall explanatory power of Mol 3. A is correct. AusteR2 in Mol 3 creases to 0.844 from 0.846 in Mol 2.Mol 3 inclus all inpennt variables from Mol 2, while aing MOM.Aing variables to a regression mol always either increases R2 or causes it to stthe same. But austeR2 only increases if the new variable meets a thresholof significance, |t-statisti 1. MOM es not meet this threshol incatingit es not improve the overall explanatory power of Mol 3. 老师,加入SMB自变量后,AusteR2从0.817增加到0.846,说明加入SMB的mol力度更强了。请问B错在哪里呢?

2023-07-20 18:21 1 · 回答

NO.PZ202208220100000201 问题如下 termine whione of the following reasons for the change in austeR2 from Mol 2 to Mol 3 is most likely to correct. A.AusteR2 creases sinaing MOM es not improve the overall explanatory power of Mol 3. B.AusteR2 increases sinaing SMB improves the overall explanatory power of Mol 2. C.AusteR2 creases sinaing MOM improves the overall explanatory power of Mol 3. A is correct. AusteR2 in Mol 3 creases to 0.844 from 0.846 in Mol 2.Mol 3 inclus all inpennt variables from Mol 2, while aing MOM.Aing variables to a regression mol always either increases R2 or causes it to stthe same. But austeR2 only increases if the new variable meets a thresholof significance, |t-statisti 1. MOM es not meet this threshol incatingit es not improve the overall explanatory power of Mol 3. 从 M OM的Pvalue 是不是 也能看出来?P很大,说明要接受原假设。可以这样理解吗?

2022-12-08 22:59 2 · 回答