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tyler · 2023年08月31日

two times standard deviation计算



Two years later, the Voorts ask Lenard to construct a new long-term strategic asset allocation with a more aggressive goal of achieving at least 3.5% annualized growth in the after-tax purchasing power of the portfolio. They indicate that the portfolio should have only a small probability of declining more than 10% in nominal pre-tax terms in any one year. Lenard explains to the Voorts that a normal distribution can be used to model the portfolio returns. The Voorts agree to use a two-standard-deviation approach to monitor the shortfall risk of the portfolio.

Expected inflation remains 2.5% per year and the tax rate remains 30%. Based on his current market outlook, Lenard considers three potential portfolio allocations for the Voorts as shown in Exhibit 1.

Determine the most appropriate portfolio from Exhibit 1 for the Voorts, given their objectives and constraints. Justify your response with two reasons.



The most appropriate portfolio for the Voorts must meet the following requirements:

Real after-tax return of 3.5% or more ((pre-tax return × (1 – tax rate)) – inflation rate)

Shortfall risk of no lower than –10% in any one year (equal to nominal pre-tax expected return minus two times standard deviation)

The following analysis shows whether each portfolio meets (pass/fail) the specified return and risk requirements:

Portfolio X

Return Objective:

Real after-tax return: 9.3% × (1 – 30%) – 2.5% = 4.0% > 3.5%; pass

Shortfall risk constraint:

Shortfall risk: 9.3% – (2 × 11.0%) = –12.7% < –10.0%; fail

Portfolio Y

Return Objective:

Real after-tax return: 8.4% × (1 – 30%) – 2.5% = 3.4% < 3.5%; fail

Shortfall risk constraint:

Shortfall risk: 8.4% – (2 × 8.7%) = –9.0% < –10.0%; pass

Portfolio Z

Return Objective:

Real after-tax return: 8.8% × (1 – 30%) – 2.5 = 3.7 > 3.5; pass

Shortfall risk constraint:

Shortfall risk: 8.8% – (2 × 9.3%) = –9.8% > –10.0%; pass

Porfolio X does not meet the shortfall risk constraint and Portfolio Y does not meet the return objective. Portfolio Z is the only one of the three proposed portfolios that meets both the return objective and the shortfall risk constraint.

Shortfall risk of no lower than –10% in any one year (equal to nominal pre-tax expected return minus two times standard deviation)这个计算方法是什么意思

2 个答案

王暄_品职助教 · 2023年08月31日

最后一句话“Voorts agrees to a two-standard deviation approach to monitor the shortfall risk of the portfolio”,这句话就告诉我们,我们用两倍标准差来衡量shortfall risk,再结合“the portfolio should have only a small probability of declining more than 10% in nominal pre-tax terms in any one year.”,我们得到最后的意思就是:Voorts 不能接受比均值低两个标准差外的return,也就得到公式:μ-2σ≧-10%。这里的10%其实就可以理解成一个负return,即亏损,所以是负数。

Felix Young · 2023年12月18日


王暄_品职助教 · 2023年12月19日



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