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格格蔡斯 · 2023年08月29日


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Determine, based on Beamon’s description of the Ogive Fund’s characteristics, his likely inclination to aggressively implement the fund’s strategy. Justify your response.



Beamon is likely to take a measured approach in implementing the Ogive Fund’s strategy. In particular, trade urgency, which refers to how quickly or slowly an order is executed over the trading time horizon, is likely to be low for the Ogive Fund. Greater trade urgency is associated with executing over shorter horizons, whereas lower trade urgency is associated with executing over longer horizons. To capitalize on views related to mispricing, the Ogive Fund’s individual positions may be held for several years. Minimal trading is required, and any necessary trading can often be carried out in a more patient manner. Additionally, the return payoffs associated with the Ogive Fund’s long-term investment views and value orientation are not likely to be rapidly acted on by other market participants. Thus, the rate or level of expected alpha decay, which refers to the erosion or deterioration in short-term alpha once an investment decision is made, is low.


1 个答案

吴昊_品职助教 · 2023年08月29日



long-term、persistent mispricing opportunities、three-year这些关键词都表明交易不紧急,所以这道题只要能分析出trade urgency低,alpha decay慢,就可以了。



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NO.PZ202110280100000201 问题如下 termine, baseon Beamon’s scription of the OgiveFuns characteristics, his likely inclination to aggressively implement thefuns strategy. Justify your response. Beamon is likely to take a measureapproain implementing the OgiveFuns strategy. In particular, tra urgency, whirefers to how quickly orslowly orr is executeover the trang time horizon, is likely to lowfor the Ogive Fun Greater tra urgenis associatewith executing overshorter horizons, wherelower tra urgenis associatewith executing overlonger horizons. To capitalize on views relateto mispricing, the Ogive Funsinvipositions mhelfor severyears. Minimtrang isrequire anany necessary trang coften carrieout in a more patientmanner. Aitionally, the return payoffs associatewith the Ogive Funslong-term investment views anvalue orientation are not likely to rapiyacteon other market participants. Thus, the rate or level of expectelpha cay, whirefers to the erosion or terioration in short-term alphaoninvestment cision is ma, is low. 老师好,我没有太看懂这道题想问什么以及对应的知识点,老师可以帮忙分析一下么?感觉好像就是给了你3条fun行资产配置的方式,然后问你这个投资策略是什么,我答的是bottom up,但是觉得不是他想问的东西。

2024-05-29 17:47 1 · 回答

NO.PZ202110280100000201 问题如下 termine, baseon Beamon’s scription of the OgiveFuns characteristics, his likely inclination to aggressively implement thefuns strategy. Justify your response. Beamon is likely to take a measureapproain implementing the OgiveFuns strategy. In particular, tra urgency, whirefers to how quickly orslowly orr is executeover the trang time horizon, is likely to lowfor the Ogive Fun Greater tra urgenis associatewith executing overshorter horizons, wherelower tra urgenis associatewith executing overlonger horizons. To capitalize on views relateto mispricing, the Ogive Funsinvipositions mhelfor severyears. Minimtrang isrequire anany necessary trang coften carrieout in a more patientmanner. Aitionally, the return payoffs associatewith the Ogive Funslong-term investment views anvalue orientation are not likely to rapiyacteon other market participants. Thus, the rate or level of expectelpha cay, whirefers to the erosion or terioration in short-term alphaoninvestment cision is ma, is low. No.PZ202110280100000201最后问的是,要termine 最可能的倾向,对于激进的执行投资策略。为什么回答的思路,不是更倾向或者更不倾向,也即high likely 或者low likely

2024-04-15 18:31 1 · 回答

NO.PZ202110280100000201 问题如下 termine, baseon Beamon’s scription of the OgiveFuns characteristics, his likely inclination to aggressively implement thefuns strategy. Justify your response. Beamon is likely to take a measureapproain implementing the OgiveFuns strategy. In particular, tra urgency, whirefers to how quickly orslowly orr is executeover the trang time horizon, is likely to lowfor the Ogive Fun Greater tra urgenis associatewith executing overshorter horizons, wherelower tra urgenis associatewith executing overlonger horizons. To capitalize on views relateto mispricing, the Ogive Funsinvipositions mhelfor severyears. Minimtrang isrequire anany necessary trang coften carrieout in a more patientmanner. Aitionally, the return payoffs associatewith the Ogive Funslong-term investment views anvalue orientation are not likely to rapiyacteon other market participants. Thus, the rate or level of expectelpha cay, whirefers to the erosion or terioration in short-term alphaoninvestment cision is ma, is low. 这道题就是根绝基金的一些特征让描述下交易的紧迫程度和alpha衰减的快慢。 题目问的其实感觉不清楚,最好应该是出成,根绝基金的特征,描述下在 tra urgen和 alpha c方面的表现。 虽然我也没有太弄清楚这个题考啥,但是根据题目的描述到是能写出点相关的内容了,没想到就是题眼。以下是我答法,请老师帮忙看下 e to longer holng perioanpersistent mispricing opportunity, the tra execution is less urgent with lower alpha cay. his motivation is to outperform the S P 500 benchmark.

2023-05-07 12:35 1 · 回答

NO.PZ202110280100000201 问题如下 termine, baseon Beamon’s scription of the OgiveFuns characteristics, his likely inclination to aggressively implement thefuns strategy. Justify your response. Beamon is likely to take a measureapproain implementing the OgiveFuns strategy. In particular, tra urgency, whirefers to how quickly orslowly orr is executeover the trang time horizon, is likely to lowfor the Ogive Fun Greater tra urgenis associatewith executing overshorter horizons, wherelower tra urgenis associatewith executing overlonger horizons. To capitalize on views relateto mispricing, the Ogive Funsinvipositions mhelfor severyears. Minimtrang isrequire anany necessary trang coften carrieout in a more patientmanner. Aitionally, the return payoffs associatewith the Ogive Funslong-term investment views anvalue orientation are not likely to rapiyacteon other market participants. Thus, the rate or level of expectelpha cay, whirefers to the erosion or terioration in short-term alphaoninvestment cision is ma, is low. 我理解的是问倾向于激进投资的原因,正好和答案反过来了,aggressively是什么意思?

2023-02-17 19:25 1 · 回答