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文志(Wenzhi) · 2023年08月28日

interest coverage ratio在课上讲的是用会计准则会变高啊

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Jordan’s response about the ratio impact of Alpha’s decision to capitalise interest costs is most likely correct with respect to the:



interest coverage ratio.


fixed asset turnover ratio.


interest coverage and fixed asset turnover ratios.


B is correct. Alpha’s fixed asset turnover will be lower because the capitalised interest will appear on the balance sheet as part of the asset being constructed. Therefore, fixed assets will be higher and the fixed asset turnover ratio (total revenue/average net fixed assets) will be lower than if it had expensed these costs. Capitalised interest appears on the balance sheet as part of the asset being constructed instead of being reported as interest expense in the period incurred. However, the interest coverage ratio should be based on interest payments, not interest expense (earnings before interest and taxes/interest payments), and should be unchanged. To provide a true picture of a company’s interest coverage, the entire amount of interest expenditure, both the capitalised portion and the expensed portion, should be used in calculating interest coverage ratios.

在何老师的课上讲到了是用interest expense做分母,不理解(earnings before interest and taxes/interest payments),请帮忙澄清下,谢谢

文志(Wenzhi) · 2023年08月30日


2 个答案

lynn_品职助教 · 2023年08月31日




lynn_品职助教 · 2023年08月29日


interest coverage ratio在课上讲的是用会计准则会变高啊

在何老师的课上讲到了是用interest expense做分母,不理解(earnings before interest and taxes/interest payments),请帮忙澄清下,谢谢

interest coverage ratio = earnings before interest and taxes/interest payments

EBIT是息税前利润不受利息影响, Interest payment 是实付金额,

这道题题目是想区分一下interest expense Interest payment


interest payment&tax payment是支付的现金的概念,可以简单理解为实际的由于借款产生的所有利息费用的现金支出

interest payable& tax payable是负债,在B.S中

interest expense & tax expense是费用,在I/S中,其中tax expense 还要具体区分是current tax expenses or income tax expense,如果是前者,则是在税法中的概念(不在I.S中),如果是后者,则是在I.S中的。

本题解析更多的是想强调,我们计算真实的interest coverage ratio的时候,需要将所有的利息费用支出都考虑进来,而不是仅仅将利润表上计入interest expenses的那个数值带入分母。所以提醒考生,计算这个interest coverage ratio的时候,要考虑的更加全面


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NO.PZ201806201100001202 问题如下 Jorn’s response about the ratio impaof Alpha’s cision to capitalise interest costs is most likely correwith respeto the: A.interest coverage ratio. B.fixeasset turnover ratio. C.interest coverage anfixeasset turnover ratios. B is correct. Alpha’s fixeasset turnover will lower because the capitaliseinterest will appeon the balansheet part of the asset being constructe Therefore, fixeassets will higher anthe fixeasset turnover ratio (totrevenue/average net fixeassets) will lower thif it hexpensethese costs. Capitaliseinterest appears on the balansheet part of the asset being constructeinsteof being reporteinterest expense in the perioincurre However, the interest coverage ratio shoulbaseon interest payments, not interest expense (earnings before interest antaxes/interest payments), anshoulunchange To provi a true picture of a company’s interest coverage, the entire amount of interest expenture, both the capitaliseportion anthe expenseportion, shoulusein calculating interest coverage ratios. 这里interest payment说的是实际现金付款吗?

2022-08-23 13:25 1 · 回答

NO.PZ201806201100001202问题如下Jorn’s response about the ratio impaof Alpha’s cision to capitalise interest costs is most likely correwith respeto the: A.interest coverage ratio. B.fixeasset turnover ratio. C.interest coverage anfixeasset turnover ratios. B is correct. Alpha’s fixeasset turnover will lower because the capitaliseinterest will appeon the balansheet part of the asset being constructe Therefore, fixeassets will higher anthe fixeasset turnover ratio (totrevenue/average net fixeassets) will lower thif it hexpensethese costs. Capitaliseinterest appears on the balansheet part of the asset being constructeinsteof being reporteinterest expense in the perioincurre However, the interest coverage ratio shoulbaseon interest payments, not interest expense (earnings before interest antaxes/interest payments), anshoulunchange To provi a true picture of a company’s interest coverage, the entire amount of interest expenture, both the capitaliseportion anthe expenseportion, shoulusein calculating interest coverage ratios. 老师您好!费用化的时候不是入了COGS吗?那EBIT不是应该更小吗?interest就不应该重复扣减了呀?

2022-08-02 07:15 1 · 回答


2020-10-08 16:25 1 · 回答


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