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hyi725 · 2023年08月26日

如果是receive fixed rate 利率上升不是也没有影响吗



A US bond portfolio manager wants to hedge a long position in a 10- year Treasury bond against a potential rise in domestic interest rates. He would most likely:



sell fixed- income (bond) futures.


enter a receive- fixed 10- year interest rate swap.


sell a strip of 90- day Eurodollar futures contracts.


A is correct.

The portfolio manager would most likely use a longer-dated fixed- income (bond) futures contract to hedge his interest rate risk exposure. The choice of the hedging instrument, in fact, will depend on the maturity of the bond being hedged. Interest rate futures, like 90-day Eurodollar futures, have a limited number of maturities and can be used to hedge short-term bonds. The mark-to- market value of a receive- fixed 10- year interest rate swap will become negative if interest rates rises, and thus the swap cannot be used as a hedge in this case.


A选项:预期利率上升,对应bond价格下跌,所以sell fixed- income (bond) futures,即在bond下跌(利率上升)时获利。


C选项: Eurodollar futures期限是90天,不适合用来对冲10年期债券。


1 个答案

pzqa31 · 2023年08月26日


这不是用的futures吗,short futures不就是在基础资产价格下跌的时候获利吗?


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NO.PZ2017121101000004 问题如下 A US bonportfolio manager wants to hee a long position in a 10- yeTreasury bonagainst a potentirise in mestic interest rates. He woulmost likely: A.sell fixe income (bon futures. B.enter a receive- fixe10- yeinterest rate swap. C.sell a strip of 90- y Eurollfutures contracts. A is correct. The portfolio manager woulmost likely use a longer-tefixe income (bon futures contrato hee his interest rate risk exposure. The choiof the heing instrument, in fact, will penon the maturity of the bonbeing hee Interest rate futures, like 90-y Eurollfutures, have a limitenumber of maturities ancuseto hee short-term bon. The mark-to- market value of a receive- fixe10- yeinterest rate swwill become negative if interest rates rises, anthus the swcannot usea hee in this case. 中文解析A预期利率上升,对应bon格下跌,所以sell fixe income (bon futures,即在bon跌(利率上升)时获利。B进入一个收10年期固定利率的互换,由于利率在上升,意味着我们收到的在变少,所以不能获利。Eurollarfutures期限是90天,不适合用来对冲10年期债券。 老师,现在已知(1)Eurollar报价是100-rate,(2)unrlying是短期bon如ration能match,如果想要用Eurollfutures降低头寸ration,也是应该short eurollfutures吗?是不是跟报价的负号没关系?

2024-07-08 05:30 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2017121101000004问题如下 A US bonportfolio manager wants to hee a long position in a 10- yeTreasury bonagainst a potentirise in mestic interest rates. He woulmost likely: A.sell fixe income (bon futures. B.enter a receive- fixe10- yeinterest rate swap. C.sell a strip of 90- y Eurollfutures contracts. A is correct. The portfolio manager woulmost likely use a longer-tefixe income (bon futures contrato hee his interest rate risk exposure. The choiof the heing instrument, in fact, will penon the maturity of the bonbeing hee Interest rate futures, like 90-y Eurollfutures, have a limitenumber of maturities ancuseto hee short-term bon. The mark-to- market value of a receive- fixe10- yeinterest rate swwill become negative if interest rates rises, anthus the swcannot usea hee in this case. 中文解析A预期利率上升,对应bon格下跌,所以sell fixe income (bon futures,即在bon跌(利率上升)时获利。B进入一个收10年期固定利率的互换,由于利率在上升,意味着我们收到的在变少,所以不能获利。Eurollarfutures期限是90天,不适合用来对冲10年期债券。 想请问一下,eurollfutures本质还是一个interest rate futures吧?利率上升对它影响都是使得其价格下降的。只是报价比较特殊?这个报价会影响什么吗?在做题的时候需要怎么特殊考虑吗?另外,何老师提到了strip还有另外一种什么stuck?我还是不太明白这两种东西是怎么回事。能不能麻烦一下。谢谢

2024-04-08 08:37 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2017121101000004 问题如下 A US bonportfolio manager wants to hee a long position in a 10- yeTreasury bonagainst a potentirise in mestic interest rates. He woulmost likely: A.sell fixe income (bon futures. B.enter a receive- fixe10- yeinterest rate swap. C.sell a strip of 90- y Eurollfutures contracts. A is correct. The portfolio manager woulmost likely use a longer-tefixe income (bon futures contrato hee his interest rate risk exposure. The choiof the heing instrument, in fact, will penon the maturity of the bonbeing hee Interest rate futures, like 90-y Eurollfutures, have a limitenumber of maturities ancuseto hee short-term bon. The mark-to- market value of a receive- fixe10- yeinterest rate swwill become negative if interest rates rises, anthus the swcannot usea hee in this case. 中文解析A预期利率上升,对应bon格下跌,所以sell fixe income (bon futures,即在bon跌(利率上升)时获利。B进入一个收10年期固定利率的互换,由于利率在上升,意味着我们收到的在变少,所以不能获利。Eurollarfutures期限是90天,不适合用来对冲10年期债券。 这道题是说利率上升,价格下跌所以short futures,是从价格角度出发的。但是在interest rate risk那一部分,forwarfutures\swap有时又是从利率上升,支付的利息更多,所以要long FRA的角度在讨论。那当利率上升时,该怎么判断是从价格的角度出发还是利息的角度出发考虑问题呢?这两个角度得出的结论是完全相反的,一旦角度找错了,题目肯定做错。

2023-10-05 22:37 5 · 回答

NO.PZ2017121101000004 问题如下 A US bonportfolio manager wants to hee a long position in a 10- yeTreasury bonagainst a potentirise in mestic interest rates. He woulmost likely: A.sell fixe income (bon futures. B.enter a receive- fixe10- yeinterest rate swap. C.sell a strip of 90- y Eurollfutures contracts. A is correct. The portfolio manager woulmost likely use a longer-tefixe income (bon futures contrato hee his interest rate risk exposure. The choiof the heing instrument, in fact, will penon the maturity of the bonbeing hee Interest rate futures, like 90-y Eurollfutures, have a limitenumber of maturities ancuseto hee short-term bon. The mark-to- market value of a receive- fixe10- yeinterest rate swwill become negative if interest rates rises, anthus the swcannot usea hee in this case. 中文解析A预期利率上升,对应bon格下跌,所以sell fixe income (bon futures,即在bon跌(利率上升)时获利。B进入一个收10年期固定利率的互换,由于利率在上升,意味着我们收到的在变少,所以不能获利。Eurollarfutures期限是90天,不适合用来对冲10年期债券。 若要用EUROLLAR,是sell吗?

2023-10-04 18:13 1 · 回答