开发者:上海品职教育科技有限公司 隐私政策详情


xiaodi · 2023年08月26日


* 问题详情,请 查看题干



Trana, which reports under International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS), is a Sweden-based retailer operating stores in three geographic locations: Sweden, the eurozone (with a current presence only in France, Germany, and Italy), and the United States. The stores in the eurozone and the United States are operated through a wholly owned subsidiary in each region. The income statements are presented in Exhibit 1.

Exhibit 1 Trana AB Income Statements for the Years Ended 31 December

In 2012, at the start of Trana’s expansion into North American markets, the company established a subsidiary, Anart Inc., in a South American country to benefit from lower labor and shipping costs. The details of the Anart investment are as follows:

Anart is 80% owned by Trana with 20% local investment.

It sells all of its production to Trana and Trana’s other subsidiaries and determines the transfer price as full cost plus 5%.

In 2015, sales (in millions) from Anart to Trana companies were SEK4,485 with net profit of SEK204.

The corporate tax rate in the country is 10%.

Eriksson reminds Lars that there is a proposal in Sweden to reduce the corporate tax rate from the current 22% to 16.5%. He would like to provide pro-forma disclosures related to the potential change in net income this change could provide for Trana. He reminds Lars that the average tax rate for the eurozone countries where Trana operates is 30% and 25% in the United States. Sweden operates under a tax treaty with all countries in which it has subsidiaries, such that it will owe taxes on foreign earned income to the extent that the Swedish rate exceeds the foreign rate.

(1) If the proposed reduction in Swedish tax rates had been in effect in 2015, the increase in Trana’s net profit (in SEK millions) would have been closest to:









The proposed change in Swedish tax rates would have affected the income earned in Sweden (SEK338 before tax) and the pre-tax income earned in the South American subsidiary (SEK227, see calculation in following table) because the tax rate there is lower than in Sweden and hence subject to tax at Swedish rates. The income earned in tax jurisdictions with rates higher than Sweden’s (Europe and the United States) are not subject to tax in Sweden and thus would not have been affected.

* To calculate EBT, divide net profit of SEK204 by (1 – tax rate): 204/(1 – 0.10) = SEK227.


但是在consolidation方法下,这属于intercompany tranactions,首先在sales这里不能合并,其次在NI上,要减去unearned revenue。

为什么这道题要把南美子公司的利润加上去,题目上说子公司的货都卖给了母公司,应该属于intercompany tranactions吧?


3 个答案

王园圆_品职助教 · 2023年08月28日






王园圆_品职助教 · 2023年08月26日


本题“ If the proposed reduction in Swedish tax rates had been in effect in 2015, the increase in Trana’s net profit (in SEK millions) would have been closest to“这里加粗的部分,特意强调了瑞典降税对NI的影响,所以题目要考察的肯定不是”合并报表中NI是否需要剔除关联交易“这个知识点,而是别的和税相关的内容


至于你说的”我记得应该还有一道类似的题问合并报表对sales的影响,那题也是关联交易,sales不能包含,我记得选项是0%。 “,助教没有这类题目的印象了,所以同学如果方便麻烦提供一下题目的截图或题目的来源,这样助教也可以跟你进一步讨论那道题和本题的不同点哦

xiaodi · 2023年08月27日

No.PZ2023040501000020来源: 经典题 In 2012, at the start of Trana’s expansion into North Ame,Anart is 80% owned by Trana 。It sells all of its production to Trana and Trana’s other subsidiaries and determines the transfer price as full cost plus 5%....... 题干其实是一样的,sales合并后占0%

王园圆_品职助教 · 2023年08月26日



xiaodi · 2023年08月26日

我问这个问题还有另外一个原因,这个case后面还有一题,我之前在有问必答问过。说因为南美子公司的税低,所以可以把收入都确认在南美子公司。我当时认为这是在虚增收入,因为这是明显的关联交易。 而在考虑SPE的时候,合并SPE least likely 增加revenue。我记得应该还有一道类似的题问合并报表对sales的影响,那题也是关联交易,sales不能包含,我记得选项是0%。 我认为这几个讲的是同一件事情。这种题很难区别这个交易是不是有没有再转卖出去。

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NO.PZ202304050100008501 问题如下 (1) If the proposerection in Swesh trates hbeen in effein 2015, the increase in Trana’s net profit (in SEK millions) woulhave been closest to: A.SEK31.2. B.SEK18.6. C.SEK29.8. The proposechange in Swesh trates woulhave affectethe income earnein Swen (SEK338 before tax) anthe pre-tincome earnein the South Americsubsiary (SEK227, see calculation in following table) because the trate there is lower thin Swen anhensubjeto tSwesh rates. The income earnein tjurisctions with rates higher thSwen’s (Europe anthe UniteStates) are not subjeto tin Swen anthus woulnot have been affecte* To calculate EBT, vi net profit of SEK204 (1 – trate): 204/(1 – 0.10) = SEK227. 这个204不是已经含进264里面了吗?为啥还要重复计算题目给了母公司合并报表,E338,NI264。并且已知占子公司80%股权。这种情况肯定得并表。也就是说母公司的报表,已经是合并子公司以后的了,已经不需要再考虑子公司的情况了。为啥不直接选B,用(338 - 338*16.5%)-264

2024-05-19 10:21 1 · 回答

NO.PZ202304050100008501问题如下 (1) If the proposerection in Swesh trates hbeen in effein 2015, the increase in Trana’s net profit (in SEK millions) woulhave been closest to: A.SEK31.2.B.SEK18.6.C.SEK29.8. The proposechange in Swesh trates woulhave affectethe income earnein Swen (SEK338 before tax) anthe pre-tincome earnein the South Americsubsiary (SEK227, see calculation in following table) because the trate there is lower thin Swen anhensubjeto tSwesh rates. The income earnein tjurisctions with rates higher thSwen’s (Europe anthe UniteStates) are not subjeto tin Swen anthus woulnot have been affecte* To calculate EBT, vi net profit of SEK204 (1 – trate): 204/(1 – 0.10) = SEK227. 为什么没有乘以80%?母公司只拥有子公司80% 分享收益不乘以比例吗?还是说只有NI是按比例合并的 而EBI是全额的 因为EBI还没扣除少数股东收益?

2024-04-14 22:40 2 · 回答

NO.PZ202304050100008501 问题如下 (1) If the proposerection in Swesh trates hbeen in effein 2015, the increase in Trana’s net profit (in SEK millions) woulhave been closest to: A.SEK31.2. B.SEK18.6. C.SEK29.8. The proposechange in Swesh trates woulhave affectethe income earnein Swen (SEK338 before tax) anthe pre-tincome earnein the South Americsubsiary (SEK227, see calculation in following table) because the trate there is lower thin Swen anhensubjeto tSwesh rates. The income earnein tjurisctions with rates higher thSwen’s (Europe anthe UniteStates) are not subjeto tin Swen anthus woulnot have been affecte* To calculate EBT, vi net profit of SEK204 (1 – trate): 204/(1 – 0.10) = SEK227. 这道题涉及财务报表合并,看了老师的经典题通关课,有个问题不理解既然Anart已经按照当地10%的税率缴了税,那么合并报表以后,是否还是要按照Swen当地的要求再次缴税?(也就是双重缴税)这道题说的,是不是Swen当地对于合并报表后,集团税收变化对于NI的影响?

2023-09-08 20:36 2 · 回答

NO.PZ202304050100008501问题如下 (1) If the proposerection in Swesh trates hbeen in effein 2015, the increase in Trana’s net profit (in SEK millions) woulhave been closest to: A.SEK31.2.B.SEK18.6.C.SEK29.8. The proposechange in Swesh trates woulhave affectethe income earnein Swen (SEK338 before tax) anthe pre-tincome earnein the South Americsubsiary (SEK227, see calculation in following table) because the trate there is lower thin Swen anhensubjeto tSwesh rates. The income earnein tjurisctions with rates higher thSwen’s (Europe anthe UniteStates) are not subjeto tin Swen anthus woulnot have been affecte* To calculate EBT, vi net profit of SEK204 (1 – trate): 204/(1 – 0.10) = SEK227. 如何理解答案中“because the South Americsubsiary trate there is lower thin Swen anhensubjeto tSwesh rates”,此外该题所考知识点是在哪里?

2023-07-21 13:11 2 · 回答