Which of the following statements about statistical credit analysis models is most accurate?
A.Structural credit models solve for the POD using observable company-specific variables such as financial ratios and macroeconomic variables.
Reduced-form credit models use market-based variables to estimate an issuer’s asset value and the volatility of asset value.
C.Structural credit models define the likelihood of default as the probability of the asset value falling below that of liabilities.
C is correct. Structural credit models use market-based variables to estimate an issuer’s asset value and asset value volatility, defining the likelihood of default as the probability of the asset value falling below that of liabilities, with zero net assets defined as the default threshold.
1、可否解释一下reduced form model和structural model的区别?
2、听了老师讲解,我理解的是structural model是可以利用BSM model来进行计算违约概率的,但是下方老师提到的,structural model无法用BSM模型进行期权定价?是不是说错了?
3、另外 选项b这个何老师说是structural model的特点:structural credit models use market-based variables to estimate an issuer’s asset value and the volatility of asset value.
structural model不是先有模型再有数据嘛?选项b该如何理解呢?