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monicaaaaa · 2023年08月16日

为什么ct upper bound是102



Suppose the strike price of a one-year call option is CAD100, the risk free rate is 2%. At time 0, the underlying asset, S0, trades at CAD98, now six months have passed, the underlying asset, St, trades at CAD102.

Which of the following calculations of the upper and lower bounds of the call option is correct?



The upper bound of the call option is CAD102; the lower bound of the call option is 0;


The upper bound of the call option is CAD102; the lower bound of the call option is CAD2.9852;


The upper bound of the call option is CAD2.9852; the lower bound of the call option is 0;




ct,Lower bound = Max(0, St X(1 + r)(Tt) ) = Max (0, 102 – 100(1+2%)-0.5) = CAD2.9852

ct,Upper bound = St = CAD102

为什么ct upper bound是102呢

1 个答案

Lucky_品职助教 · 2023年08月17日


期权的定价一般用BSM模型,你的疑惑点应该是答案中的公式,这个公式是“now six months have passed”这个时点,也就是在6个月这个小t 时刻求value,那就是用市价和“行权价折现到t时点”的差,与0相比,因此St是不需要折现的,当下就是t时点


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  • 0

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NO.PZ2021061002000065 问题如下 Suppose the strike priof a one-yecalloption is CA00, the risk free rate is 2%. time 0, the unrlying asset, S0,tras CA8, now six months have passe the unrlying asset, St,tras CA02. Whiof thefollowing calculations of the upper anlower boun ofthe call option is correct? A.The upper bounof the call option is CA02;the lower bounof the call option is 0; B.The upper bounof the call option is CA02;the lower bounof the call option is CA.9852; C.The upper bounof the call option is CA.9852; the lower bounof the call option is 0; 中文解析计算如下ct,Lower boun = Max(0, St − X(1 + r)−(T−t) ) = M(0, 102 – 100(1+2%)-0.5)= CA.9852ct,Upper boun= St = CA02 可以讲一下为什么不用98而用100吗,我理解的100是面值,t=0时刻的价值不是98吗

2024-09-08 07:29 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2021061002000065问题如下 Suppose the strike priof a one-yecalloption is CA00, the risk free rate is 2%. time 0, the unrlying asset, S0,tras CA8, now six months have passe the unrlying asset, St,tras CA02. Whiof thefollowing calculations of the upper anlower boun ofthe call option is correct? A.The upper bounof the call option is CA02;the lower bounof the call option is 0;B.The upper bounof the call option is CA02;the lower bounof the call option is CA.9852;C.The upper bounof the call option is CA.9852; the lower bounof the call option is 0; 中文解析计算如下ct,Lower boun = Max(0, St − X(1 + r)−(T−t) ) = M(0, 102 – 100(1+2%)-0.5)= CA.9852ct,Upper boun= St = CA02 为什么T-t是0.5

2024-06-12 19:29 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2021061002000065问题如下 Suppose the strike priof a one-yecalloption is CA00, the risk free rate is 2%. time 0, the unrlying asset, S0,tras CA8, now six months have passe the unrlying asset, St,tras CA02. Whiof thefollowing calculations of the upper anlower boun ofthe call option is correct? A.The upper bounof the call option is CA02;the lower bounof the call option is 0;B.The upper bounof the call option is CA02;the lower bounof the call option is CA.9852;C.The upper bounof the call option is CA.9852; the lower bounof the call option is 0; 中文解析计算如下ct,Lower boun = Max(0, St − X(1 + r)−(T−t) ) = M(0, 102 – 100(1+2%)-0.5)= CA.9852ct,Upper boun= St = CA02 不是S-X和0之间的取最大值么,102怎么得到的

2024-03-12 11:19 2 · 回答

NO.PZ2021061002000065问题如下 Suppose the strike priof a one-yecalloption is CA00, the risk free rate is 2%. time 0, the unrlying asset, S0,tras CA8, now six months have passe the unrlying asset, St,tras CA02. Whiof thefollowing calculations of the upper anlower boun ofthe call option is correct? A.The upper bounof the call option is CA02;the lower bounof the call option is 0;B.The upper bounof the call option is CA02;the lower bounof the call option is CA.9852;C.The upper bounof the call option is CA.9852; the lower bounof the call option is 0; 中文解析计算如下ct,Lower boun = Max(0, St − X(1 + r)−(T−t) ) = M(0, 102 – 100(1+2%)-0.5)= CA.9852ct,Upper boun= St = CA02 最好能帮忙用画图大法分析一下 或者哪里有讲解 我去听

2024-03-01 13:04 1 · 回答