Which of Pure Mobilebank’s external constraints would least likely apply to the portfolio of a life insurance company?
A.Constraint I
B.Constraint II
C.Constraint III
SB is correct. Both a bank and a life insurance company will have reporting and transparency requirements, and a life insurance company’s portfolio will have a mix of investments to meet policyholder claims that may arise on both a short-term and a long-term basis, as well as statutory accounting requirements. However, net stable funding ratios are a mandated liquidity requirement for banks, not life insurance compaB is correct. Both a bank and a life insurance company will have reporting and transparency requirements, and a life insurance company’s portfolio will have a mix of investments to meet policyholder claims that may arise on both a short-term and a long-term basis, as well as statutory accounting requirements. However, net stable funding ratios are a mandated liquidity requirement for banks, not life insurance companies.
B is correct. Both a bank and a life insurance company will have reporting and transparency requirements, and a life insurance company’s portfolio will have a mix of investments to meet policyholder claims that may arise on both a short-term and a long-term basis, as well as statutory accounting requirements. However, net stable funding ratios are a mandated liquidity requirement for banks, not life insurance companies.
A is incorrect. Both banks and life insurance companies have reporting and transparency requirements.
C is incorrect. Both banks and life insurance companies are subject to versions of statutory accounting.