C. 此题是否答案有误?不是选B吗
发亮_品职助教 · 2018年05月31日
预测的是US credit curve变得更加steepening,也就是说,相对于短期,长期的credit risk更大。
所以,需要买长期的Protection,对应的CDS头寸就是Short 长期 CDS;
同时要卖短期的Protection来fund长期protection,卖短期protection,对应的CDS头寸就是Long 短期CDS。
所以是Short Long-term CDS,Long Short-time CDS。
注意 Buy Protection对应CDS的头寸是 Short CDS。
Sell Protection对应CDS的头寸是 Long CDS。
NO.PZ201712110200000508 问题如下 The curve tra thwoulbest capitalize on Chan’s view of the US cret curve is to: A.buy protection using a 20-yeC anbuy protection using a 2-yeC. B.buy protection using a 20-yeC ansell protection using a 2-yeC. C.sell protection using a 20-yeC anbuy protection using a 2-yeC. B is correct.To take aantage of Chan’s view of the US cret curve steepening in the short term, a curve tra will entail shorting (buying protection using) a long-term (20-year) C angoing long (selling protection using) a shortterm (2-year) C. A steeper curve means thlong-term cret risk increases relative to short-term cret risk. steepening是向上倾斜还是向下倾斜
capitalize on her short-term view of a steepening of the US cret curve. 从题目来看,也就是说,short-term spre变大,那么buy protection, short position。 答案是不是有误?
被术语short和long搞糊涂了长期风险变大,应该买long-term C,卖出short-term C, 按照答案,买进是“short”,卖出是“long”?
Buy protection 不是应该 long C吗? 怎么成short了?要short也应该是bon是C啊。同理,为什么sell protection又成go long C了?