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RhettRay · 2023年08月10日

bid ask的选择上,我的思路是否正确



Anna Goldsworthy is the chief financial officer of a manufacturing firm headquartered in the United Kingdom. Goldsworthy gathers the exchange rates from Dealer A in Exhibit 1.

In three months, the firm will receive EUR 5,000,000 (euros) from another customer. Six months ago, the firm sold EUR 5,000,000 against the GBP using a nine-month forward contract at an all-in price of GBP/EUR 0.7400. To mark the position to market, Underwood collects the GBP/EUR forward rates in Exhibit 2.

Based on Exhibits 1, 2, the mark-to-market gain for Goldsworthy’s forward position is closest to:


A.GBP 20,470. B.GBP 20,500. C.GBP 21,968.


Marking her nine-month contract to market six months later requires buying GBP/EUR three months forward. The GBP/EUR spot rate is 0.7342/0.7344, and the three-month forward points are 14.0/15.0. The three-month forward rate to use is 0.7344 + (15/10000) = 0.7359. Goldsworthy sold EUR 5,000,000 at 0.7400 and bought at 0.7359. The net cash flow at the settlement date will equal EUR 5,000,000 × (0.7400 – 0.7359) GBP/EUR = GBP 20,500. This cash flow will occur in three months, so we discount at the three-month GBP Libor rate of 58 bps:

(1)6个月前,公司签订远期合约,约定9个月后以f0的价格卖出EUR,支付GBP,把EUR当做base currency/苹果来考虑,f0价格是0.74 GBP/EUR;

(2)现在,盯市价值为远期与spot汇率的差,对于short 方,即期汇率越降低,合约越值钱;相当于以市场汇率重新卖出一份3个月的远期EUR,再平仓之前9个月的合约。

(3)从dealer角度看,是现在要买入远期EUR,卖GBP,卖什么就把什么当做base currency/苹果来考虑所以这个时候报价形式要转化为(1/0.7344~1/0.7342)EUR/GBP,把GBP当成苹果,要以便宜的价格买苹果,所以价格取了倒数的倒数0.7344。


1 个答案

笛子_品职助教 · 2023年08月11日



这是一道Mark to market 的题目。


统一用base currency的思维处理外汇标价,已经是最简单的方法了。




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NO.PZ2023041102000006 问题如下 Anna Golworthy is the chief financiofficer of a manufacturing firm heauarterein the UniteKingm. Golworthy gathers the exchange rates from aler A in Exhibit 1.In three months, the firm will receive EUR 5,000,000 (euros) from another customer. Six months ago, the firm solEUR 5,000,000 against the Gusing a nine-month forwarcontraall-in priof GBP/EUR 0.7400. To mark the position to market, Unrwoocollects the GBP/EUR forwarrates in Exhibit 2.Baseon Exhibits 1, 2, the mark-to-market gain for Golworthy’s forwarposition is closest to: A.G20,470. B.G20,500. C.G21,968. Marking her nine-month contrato market six months later requires buying GBP/EUR three months forwar The GBP/EUR spot rate is 0.7342/0.7344, anthe three-month forwarpoints are 14.0/15.0. The three-month forwarrate to use is 0.7344 + (15/10000) = 0.7359. Golworthy solEUR 5,000,000 0.7400 anbought 0.7359. The net cash flow the settlement te will equEUR 5,000,000 × (0.7400 – 0.7359) GBP/EUR = G20,500. This cash flow will occur in three months, so we scount the three-month GLibor rate of 58 bps:6个月后将她的9个月合约与市场挂钩,需要买入英镑/欧元3个月的元气合约。英镑兑欧元即期汇率为0.7342/0.7344,三个月远期汇率的点数为14.0/15.0。三个月远期汇率为0.7344 +(15/10000)= 0.7359。Golworthy在0.7400卖出500万欧元,在0.7359买入。结算日的净现金流量将等于500万欧元×(0.7400 - 0.7359)英镑/欧元= 20,500英镑。这笔现金流将在三个月后发生,因此我们以三个月期英镑伦敦银行同业拆借利率58个基点进行贴现得到: 如题

2024-11-05 01:20 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2023041102000006问题如下 Anna Golworthy is the chief financiofficer of a manufacturing firm heauarterein the UniteKingm. Golworthy gathers the exchange rates from aler A in Exhibit 1.In three months, the firm will receive EUR 5,000,000 (euros) from another customer. Six months ago, the firm solEUR 5,000,000 against the Gusing a nine-month forwarcontraall-in priof GBP/EUR 0.7400. To mark the position to market, Unrwoocollects the GBP/EUR forwarrates in Exhibit 2.Baseon Exhibits 1, 2, the mark-to-market gain for Golworthy’s forwarposition is closest to: A.G20,470.B.G20,500.C.G21,968. Marking her nine-month contrato market six months later requires buying GBP/EUR three months forwar The GBP/EUR spot rate is 0.7342/0.7344, anthe three-month forwarpoints are 14.0/15.0. The three-month forwarrate to use is 0.7344 + (15/10000) = 0.7359. Golworthy solEUR 5,000,000 0.7400 anbought 0.7359. The net cash flow the settlement te will equEUR 5,000,000 × (0.7400 – 0.7359) GBP/EUR = G20,500. This cash flow will occur in three months, so we scount the three-month GLibor rate of 58 bps:6个月后将她的9个月合约与市场挂钩,需要买入英镑/欧元3个月的元气合约。英镑兑欧元即期汇率为0.7342/0.7344,三个月远期汇率的点数为14.0/15.0。三个月远期汇率为0.7344 +(15/10000)= 0.7359。Golworthy在0.7400卖出500万欧元,在0.7359买入。结算日的净现金流量将等于500万欧元×(0.7400 - 0.7359)英镑/欧元= 20,500英镑。这笔现金流将在三个月后发生,因此我们以三个月期英镑伦敦银行同业拆借利率58个基点进行贴现得到: 老师好,表格中USEUR=1.1572~1.1576USGB1.5762~1.5766GBEUR就等于两者相除,根据规则,相除除对角,也就是GBEUR=1.1572/1.5766~1.1576/1.5762=0.733985~0.734425,即使四舍五入,也是0.7340~0.7344这和答案中的GBP/EUR=0.7342~0.7344对不上请问答案这个数是怎么得来的,是只算了2位小数吗,谢谢!

2024-09-23 00:23 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2023041102000006 问题如下 Anna Golworthy is the chief financiofficer of a manufacturing firm heauarterein the UniteKingm. Golworthy gathers the exchange rates from aler A in Exhibit 1.In three months, the firm will receive EUR 5,000,000 (euros) from another customer. Six months ago, the firm solEUR 5,000,000 against the Gusing a nine-month forwarcontraall-in priof GBP/EUR 0.7400. To mark the position to market, Unrwoocollects the GBP/EUR forwarrates in Exhibit 2.Baseon Exhibits 1, 2, the mark-to-market gain for Golworthy’s forwarposition is closest to: A.G20,470. B.G20,500. C.G21,968. Marking her nine-month contrato market six months later requires buying GBP/EUR three months forwar The GBP/EUR spot rate is 0.7342/0.7344, anthe three-month forwarpoints are 14.0/15.0. The three-month forwarrate to use is 0.7344 + (15/10000) = 0.7359. Golworthy solEUR 5,000,000 0.7400 anbought 0.7359. The net cash flow the settlement te will equEUR 5,000,000 × (0.7400 – 0.7359) GBP/EUR = G20,500. This cash flow will occur in three months, so we scount the three-month GLibor rate of 58 bps: 老师,有两个问题请教下1、我记得之前做过一道题,用的是miuote,请问什么情况计算用miuote,什么情况用biask price呢?2、题目中给的90-y libor,180-y libor都是指年化的吗?有特殊情况吗

2024-02-22 15:54 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2023041102000006 问题如下 Anna Golworthy is the chief financiofficer of a manufacturing firm heauarterein the UniteKingm. Golworthy gathers the exchange rates from aler A in Exhibit 1.In three months, the firm will receive EUR 5,000,000 (euros) from another customer. Six months ago, the firm solEUR 5,000,000 against the Gusing a nine-month forwarcontraall-in priof GBP/EUR 0.7400. To mark the position to market, Unrwoocollects the GBP/EUR forwarrates in Exhibit 2.Baseon Exhibits 1, 2, the mark-to-market gain for Golworthy’s forwarposition is closest to: A.G20,470. B.G20,500. C.G21,968. Marking her nine-month contrato market six months later requires buying GBP/EUR three months forwar The GBP/EUR spot rate is 0.7342/0.7344, anthe three-month forwarpoints are 14.0/15.0. The three-month forwarrate to use is 0.7344 + (15/10000) = 0.7359. Golworthy solEUR 5,000,000 0.7400 anbought 0.7359. The net cash flow the settlement te will equEUR 5,000,000 × (0.7400 – 0.7359) GBP/EUR = G20,500. This cash flow will occur in three months, so we scount the three-month GLibor rate of 58 bps: 1、什么时候需要折现?(3.1折现与3.2没有折现)2、需要用哪个货币的labor折现?3、怎么确定应该是USAU是AUUS4、FP(t)-FT,怎么确定应该选ask还是birate?

2023-11-10 21:27 1 · 回答