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Naaaauu · 2023年08月05日




A private wealth manager uses a data provider to screen out companies involved with tobacco and finds that the process eliminates nearly all consumer companies. As consumer companies are a large percentage of the benchmark index, the manager would prefer not to eliminate the whole sector.

What method would be the most precise to reduce the number of companies which are screened out?


A.Global Industry Classification Standard focused on tobacco companies. B.ESG rating agency data regarding the financial materiality of tobacco. C.Percentage of company revenue related to tobacco as agreed with the client. D.Standard industry classification for tobacco companies.




1 个答案

净净_品职助教 · 2023年08月06日




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NO.PZ2022120702000009问题如下 A private wealth manager uses a ta provir to screen out companies involvewith tobacanfin ththe process eliminates nearly all consumer companies. consumer companies are a large percentage of the benchmark inx, the manager woulprefer not to eliminate the whole sector.Whmethowoulthe most precise to rethe number of companies whiare screeneout? A.GlobInstry Classification Stanrfocuseon tobaccompanies.B.ESG rating agenta regarng the financimateriality of tobacco.C.Percentage of company revenue relateto tobacagreewith the client.Stanrinstry classification for tobaccompanies.一位私人财富经理利用数据提供商筛选出与烟草有关的公司,他发现这一过程几乎排除了所有消费品公司。由于消费类公司在基准指数中占比很大,这位manager不希望剔除整个板块。为了减少被剔除公司的数量,这个manager可以跟客户约定好投资限制,由客户确定什么样的公司需要被剔除,例如公司总收入中与烟草相关的收入占比,超过一定比例的可以剔除,这样就可以避免剔除整个板块,C正确。如果没有c。a为专门的烟草行业指示为什么不行?另外c这个esg财务是什么概念

2024-05-20 03:55 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2022120702000009 问题如下 A private wealth manager uses a ta provir to screen out companies involvewith tobacanfin ththe process eliminates nearly all consumer companies. consumer companies are a large percentage of the benchmark inx, the manager woulprefer not to eliminate the whole sector.Whmethowoulthe most precise to rethe number of companies whiare screeneout? A.GlobInstry Classification Stanrfocuseon tobaccompanies. B.ESG rating agenta regarng the financimateriality of tobacco. C.Percentage of company revenue relateto tobacagreewith the client. Stanrinstry classification for tobaccompanies. 一位私人财富经理利用数据提供商筛选出与烟草有关的公司,他发现这一过程几乎排除了所有消费品公司。由于消费类公司在基准指数中占比很大,这位manager不希望剔除整个板块。为了减少被剔除公司的数量,这个manager可以跟客户约定好投资限制,由客户确定什么样的公司需要被剔除,例如公司总收入中与烟草相关的收入占比,超过一定比例的可以剔除,这样就可以避免剔除整个板块,C正确。 那为什么A/B不对呢?按照分类,我只选烟草行业里排名多少之前或者ESG得分多少的放进去,不也可以?

2024-04-19 20:00 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2022120702000009 问题如下 A private wealth manager uses a ta provir to screen out companies involvewith tobacanfin ththe process eliminates nearly all consumer companies. consumer companies are a large percentage of the benchmark inx, the manager woulprefer not to eliminate the whole sector.Whmethowoulthe most precise to rethe number of companies whiare screeneout? A.GlobInstry Classification Stanrfocuseon tobaccompanies. B.ESG rating agenta regarng the financimateriality of tobacco. C.Percentage of company revenue relateto tobacagreewith the client. Stanrinstry classification for tobaccompanies. 一位私人财富经理利用数据提供商筛选出与烟草有关的公司,他发现这一过程几乎排除了所有消费品公司。由于消费类公司在基准指数中占比很大,这位manager不希望剔除整个板块。为了减少被剔除公司的数量,这个manager可以跟客户约定好投资限制,由客户确定什么样的公司需要被剔除,例如公司总收入中与烟草相关的收入占比,超过一定比例的可以剔除,这样就可以避免剔除整个板块,C正确。 B提到有关烟草财务重要性的ESG机构数据,是不是能说明这个ESG数据具有财务重要性,因此要排除?

2023-08-09 23:28 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2022120702000009 问题如下 A private wealth manager uses a ta provir to screen out companies involvewith tobacanfin ththe process eliminates nearly all consumer companies. consumer companies are a large percentage of the benchmark inx, the manager woulprefer not to eliminate the whole sector.Whmethowoulthe most precise to rethe number of companies whiare screeneout? A.GlobInstry Classification Stanrfocuseon tobaccompanies. B.ESG rating agenta regarng the financimateriality of tobacco. C.Percentage of company revenue relateto tobacagreewith the client. Stanrinstry classification for tobaccompanies. 一位私人财富经理利用数据提供商筛选出与烟草有关的公司,他发现这一过程几乎排除了所有消费品公司。由于消费类公司在基准指数中占比很大,这位manager不希望剔除整个板块。为了减少被剔除公司的数量,这个manager可以跟客户约定好投资限制,由客户确定什么样的公司需要被剔除,例如公司总收入中与烟草相关的收入占比,超过一定比例的可以剔除,这样就可以避免剔除整个板块,C正确。 A该怎么理解?

2023-06-05 21:37 2 · 回答