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Naaaauu · 2023年08月05日




Which of the following represents the most developed asset class in terms of ESG integration?


A.Fixed income B.Private equity C.Listed equities


C is correct because "listed equities represent the most developed asset class in terms of ESG integration. Equities have various advantages relative to other asset classes, notably the greatest amount of transparency owing to its capital structure where creditors and shareholders coexist."

A is incorrect because "generally speaking, ESG integration in fixed income has experienced a good deal of catch up hence less developed relative to listed equities. However, there is still significant differentiation across the sub-asset classes. … As we will discuss, lower levels of ESG integration in areas like sovereign debt and high yield credit often reflect a scarcity in ESG ratings and data sets and ratings, particularly in the unlisted credit markets."

B is incorrect because "ESG integration in private equity faces several challenges, foremost being the lack of public transparency, established reporting standards, regulatory oversight and public market expectations around ESG" hence private equity does not represent the most developed asset class in terms of ESG integration.


1 个答案

Tina_品职助教 · 2023年08月05日


这个问题主要考察的是环境、社会和治理(ESG)一体化在各类资产类别中的发展程度,特别是固定收入(Fixed Income)、私募股权(Private Equity)和上市股权(Listed Equities)这三类。

  1. 上市股权(Listed Equities): 这是一个公开、透明的市场,股东和债权人都可以对公司的管理和运营情况进行审查。另外,上市公司通常需要遵守严格的财务和公司治理规定,并需要定期公开财务和运营信息。因此,上市股权在ESG一体化方面最为发达,因为公开透明的环境有助于公司更好地实现ESG一体化。
  2. 固定收入(Fixed Income): 这类资产相比上市股权在ESG一体化方面发展较慢。尽管最近几年有很大的进步,但是还是存在很多问题,比如ESG评级和数据集的匮乏,尤其在非上市信贷市场中。
  3. 私募股权(Private Equity): 这类资产在ESG一体化方面面临着很多挑战,主要是因为私募市场的公开透明度低,没有明确的报告标准,监管监督少,对ESG的市场期望也相对较低。
