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Lulubaobao · 2023年08月04日

如果THB yield增加,那么THB会贬值,那么会有汇率损失,降低buy and hold expected return

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(2) Which of the following statements best describes how the expected total return results would change if THB yields were to rise significantly over the investment horizon?



Both the Buy-and-Hold and Yield Curve Rolldown expected portfolio returns would increase due to higher THB yields.


Both the Buy-and-Hold and Yield Curve Rolldown expected portfolio returns would decrease due to higher THB yields.


The Buy-and-Hold expected portfolio returns would be unchanged and the Yield Curve Rolldown expected portfolio returns would decrease due to the rise in yields.


C is correct. In a higher THB yield scenario in one year, the Yield Curve Rolldown expected return would fall since a higher THB yield-to-maturity in one year would reduce the price at which the investor could sell the 1-year zero in one year. The Buy-and-Hold portfolio return will be unaffected since the 1-year bond matures at the end of the investment horizon.

第二小问 为什么不考虑汇率变动对expected return的影响?

1 个答案

pzqa015 · 2023年08月04日


题目问的是如果THB 利率上涨对expected return的影响,没有给到汇率变动的信息。


刘心怡 · 2024年07月17日


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NO.PZ202303270300006302 问题如下 A US-basefixeincome portfolio manager is examining unheeinvestments in Thbaht (THzero-coupon government bon issuein Thailananis consiring two investment strategies: Buy-anhol Purchase a 1-year, THB zero-coupon bonwith a current yielto-maturity of 1.00%. Roll wn the THB yielcurve: Purchase a 2-yezero-coupon note with a current yielto-maturity of 2.00% ansell it in a year. THB procee unr eastrategy will converteinto USthe enof the 1-yeinvestment horizon. The manager expects a stable THB yielcurve anthTHB will appreciate 1.5% relative to US The following information is useto analyze these two investment strategies: (2) Whiof the following statements best scribes how the expectetotreturn results woulchange if THB yiel were to rise significantly over the investment horizon? A.Both the Buy-anHolanYielCurve Rollwn expecteportfolio returns woulincrease e to higher THB yiel. B.Both the Buy-anHolanYielCurve Rollwn expecteportfolio returns woulcrease e to higher THB yiel. C.The Buy-anHolexpecteportfolio returns woulunchangeanthe YielCurve Rollwn expecteportfolio returns woulcrease e to the rise in yiel. C is correct. In a higher THB yielscenario in one year, the YielCurve Rollwn expectereturn woulfall sina higher THB yielto-maturity in one yewoulrethe priwhithe investor coulsell the 1-yezero in one year. The Buy-anHolportfolio return will unaffectesinthe 1-yebonmatures the enof the investment horizon. 请问本题THB yiel 上升对Avg bonprice(toy)没有影响吗?只影响Avg bonprice(in 1 year)吗?不是很理解

2023-08-23 18:36 2 · 回答