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坏呼呼嘿嘿 · 2023年07月30日

请问前面那6个million 为什么不算共同财产,那应该是谁的?

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termine the minimum amount (in EUR) that Bert should be entitled to before estate taxes, if Emma were to die today. Show your calculations.


The Gondos’ total estate is EUR 16 million. Bert is entitled to the greater of:

One-half of the increase in the value of the total estate during the marriage under community property: (EUR 16 million – EUR 6 million) x 0.50 = EUR 5 million, or

One-third of the total estate under forced heirship: EUR 16 million / 3 = EUR 5.33 million

Therefore, the minimum amount Bert is entitled to, before considering estate taxes, if Emma were to die today, is the greater of his share under community property and forced heirship, which is EUR 5.33 million.

请问前面那6个million 为什么不算共同财产,那应该是谁的?

1 个答案

王暄_品职助教 · 2023年07月30日

算他自己的,因为共同财产题干里提供的信息是:夫妻二人资产从6million增长到16million,所以共同财产只有10 million,6 million是婚前自己的

lxwfj9 · 2024年01月23日

他是谁啊?Gondos’ total estate讲的不也是两口子吗?分别是 Bert 和Emma,这6million应该是各自婚前加起来吧

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NO.PZ202301041000002101 问题如下 termine the minimum amount (in EUR) thBert shoulentitleto before estate taxes, if Emma were to e toy. Show your calculations. The Gons’ totalestate is EUR 16 million. Bert is entitleto the greater of: • One-half of the increase in thevalue of the totestate ring the marriage unr community property: (EUR 16million – EUR 6 million) x 0.50 = EUR 5 million, or• One-thirof the totestateunr forceheirship: EUR 16 million / 3 = EUR 5.33 millionTherefore, theminimum amount Bert is entitleto, before consiring estate taxes, if Emmawere to e toy, is the greater of his share unr community property anorceheirship, whiis EUR 5.33 million. 如题

2024-08-14 09:11 1 · 回答

NO.PZ202301041000002101 问题如下 termine the minimum amount (in EUR) thBert shoulentitleto before estate taxes, if Emma were to e toy. Show your calculations. The Gons’ totalestate is EUR 16 million. Bert is entitleto the greater of: • One-half of the increase in thevalue of the totestate ring the marriage unr community property: (EUR 16million – EUR 6 million) x 0.50 = EUR 5 million, or• One-thirof the totestateunr forceheirship: EUR 16 million / 3 = EUR 5.33 millionTherefore, theminimum amount Bert is entitleto, before consiring estate taxes, if Emmawere to e toy, is the greater of his share unr community property anorceheirship, whiis EUR 5.33 million. 老师好,既然都两者取大了,为什么说是他可以得到的minimum amount?还有什么其他方法如果妻子立刻死去他可以得到更多吗?

2024-07-21 18:13 1 · 回答

NO.PZ202301041000002101 问题如下 termine the minimum amount (in EUR) thBert shoulentitleto before estate taxes, if Emma were to e toy. Show your calculations. The Gons’ totalestate is EUR 16 million. Bert is entitleto the greater of: • One-half of the increase in thevalue of the totestate ring the marriage unr community property: (EUR 16million – EUR 6 million) x 0.50 = EUR 5 million, or• One-thirof the totestateunr forceheirship: EUR 16 million / 3 = EUR 5.33 millionTherefore, theminimum amount Bert is entitleto, before consiring estate taxes, if Emmawere to e toy, is the greater of his share unr community property anorceheirship, whiis EUR 5.33 million. 老师好,关于上边这个题的知识我有个疑问想确认一下。community property regime 和 forceheirship rules 是两种情况下的财产继承方式。如果同时存在需要遵守第二个forceheirship rules强制继承权对吗?不管计算结果谁大谁小?

2024-07-02 07:17 1 · 回答

NO.PZ202301041000002101 问题如下 termine the minimum amount (in EUR) thBert shoulentitleto before estate taxes, if Emma were to e toy. Show your calculations. The Gons’ totalestate is EUR 16 million. Bert is entitleto the greater of: • One-half of the increase in thevalue of the totestate ring the marriage unr community property: (EUR 16million – EUR 6 million) x 0.50 = EUR 5 million, or• One-thirof the totestateunr forceheirship: EUR 16 million / 3 = EUR 5.33 millionTherefore, theminimum amount Bert is entitleto, before consiring estate taxes, if Emmawere to e toy, is the greater of his share unr community property anorceheirship, whiis EUR 5.33 million. 如题。

2024-06-28 08:38 3 · 回答

NO.PZ202301041000002101 问题如下 termine the minimum amount (in EUR) thBert shoulentitleto before estate taxes, if Emma were to e toy. Show your calculations. The Gons’ totalestate is EUR 16 million. Bert is entitleto the greater of: • One-half of the increase in thevalue of the totestate ring the marriage unr community property: (EUR 16million – EUR 6 million) x 0.50 = EUR 5 million, or• One-thirof the totestateunr forceheirship: EUR 16 million / 3 = EUR 5.33 millionTherefore, theminimum amount Bert is entitleto, before consiring estate taxes, if Emmawere to e toy, is the greater of his share unr community property anorceheirship, whiis EUR 5.33 million. 如题

2024-01-16 04:17 1 · 回答