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Amy · 2023年07月27日




In May of 2005, General Motors and Ford was downgraded to junk status, the following situation led to huge losses for multiple hedge funds. Which of the following positions are most likely to be held by these funds and ultimately lead to their losses?



Long the equity tranche of the CDO and short the mezzanine tranche of the CDO, when the correlations of the assets in the CDO decreased.


Long the equity tranche of the CDO and short the mezzanine tranche of the CDO, when the correlations of the assets in the CDO increased.


Short the equity tranche of the CDO and long the mezzanine tranche of the CDO, when the correlations of the assets in the CDO decreased.


Short the equity tranche of the CDO and long the mezzanine tranche of the CDO, when the correlations of the assets in the CDO increased.


A is correct.

考点:2005年的correlation-related crisis

解析:降级为垃圾级通常会导致债券价格急剧下跌,因为许多共同基金和养老基金不允许持有垃圾债券,CDO中引用投资级债券的债券的相关性下降,因为不同信用质量的债券的相关性通常较低,相关性下降导致对冲基金蒙受巨大损失,因为他们的策略是long equity的CDO的同时short mezzanine的CDO,相关性下降时这策略两端都受损。

解析里面说用的策略是long equity 和short ME和老师上课讲的是反的。

2 个答案

李坏_品职助教 · 2023年07月27日


题干说的“the following situation led to huge losses”,意思是下列的哪种情况会导致这些对冲基金遭遇大幅亏损?


对冲基金在经济正常的情况下采取的做法是long equity然后Short ME,但是在金融危机爆发的时候,correlation下降了,equity部分的暴跌导致亏损,而ME部分也没有带来收益,最终导致hedge fund亏钱。


我的世界守则 · 2023年08月11日

老师,这道题我非常迷惑。基础班课里讲的是CDS on equity tranche and mezzanine tranche,这里讲的是直接买equity tranche and mezzanine tranche。到底这里有没有CDS的事啊?原版书里没有提CDS啊?原版书里提的spread是指用来折现的加在基础利率上的credit spread而不是CDS spread吧?为什么李老师在讲2005年这个crisis的时候一直在讲CDS spread呢?

李坏_品职助教 · 2023年08月11日




这里的spread按照原版书的说法是指的不同的CDO tranche的credit spread。

不过需要注意的是在金融危机期间,美国也出现了用CDS来合成CDO的“合成型CDO”,这种情况下合成型CDO的不同tranche的credit spread就和CDS spread有一定联系了。


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NO.PZ2020033001000033 问题如下 In Mof 2005, GenerMotors anForwwngrato junk status, the following situation leto huge losses for multiple hee fun. Whiof the following positions are most likely to helthese fun anultimately leto their losses? A.Long the equity tranche of the C anshort the mezzanine tranche of the C, when the correlations of the assets in the C crease B.Long the equity tranche of the C anshort the mezzanine tranche of the C, when the correlations of the assets in the C increase C.Short the equity tranche of the C anlong the mezzanine tranche of the C, when the correlations of the assets in the C crease Short the equity tranche of the C anlong the mezzanine tranche of the C, when the correlations of the assets in the C increase A is correct.考点2005年的correlation-relatecrisis解析降级为垃圾级通常会导致债券价格急剧下跌,因为许多共同基金和养老基金不允许持有垃圾债券,C中引用投资级债券的债券的相关性下降,因为不同信用质量的债券的相关性通常较低,相关性下降导致对冲基金蒙受巨大损失,因为他们的策略是long equity的C的同时short mezzanine的C,相关性下降时这策略两端都受损。 在市场好时相关性低,头寸long Equity C + short Mezzanine C 市场经济好,equity不会违约,可以赚到高的return,相关性低为什么题目选择是相关性低的时候long Equity C + short Mezzanine C 亏钱,为啥不是相关性高的时候亏钱呢?相关性高的时候 equity和mazzanine都违约,都亏钱。

2024-07-09 11:02 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2020033001000033 问题如下 In Mof 2005, GenerMotors anForwwngrato junk status, the following situation leto huge losses for multiple hee fun. Whiof the following positions are most likely to helthese fun anultimately leto their losses? A.Long the equity tranche of the C anshort the mezzanine tranche of the C, when the correlations of the assets in the C crease B.Long the equity tranche of the C anshort the mezzanine tranche of the C, when the correlations of the assets in the C increase C.Short the equity tranche of the C anlong the mezzanine tranche of the C, when the correlations of the assets in the C crease Short the equity tranche of the C anlong the mezzanine tranche of the C, when the correlations of the assets in the C increase A is correct.考点2005年的correlation-relatecrisis解析降级为垃圾级通常会导致债券价格急剧下跌,因为许多共同基金和养老基金不允许持有垃圾债券,C中引用投资级债券的债券的相关性下降,因为不同信用质量的债券的相关性通常较低,相关性下降导致对冲基金蒙受巨大损失,因为他们的策略是long equity的C的同时short mezzanine的C,相关性下降时这策略两端都受损。 when the correlations of the assets in the C crease—我的理解是,在经济下行时,不同资产类别(例如equity和mezzanine)之间的相关性会减弱,但同一个资产类别内不同债券的相关性会增加,但是我怎么判断题目说的correlation指的是哪种场景呢?

2024-04-18 16:46 2 · 回答

NO.PZ2020033001000033 问题如下 In Mof 2005, GenerMotors anForwwngrato junk status, the following situation leto huge losses for multiple hee fun. Whiof the following positions are most likely to helthese fun anultimately leto their losses? A.Long the equity tranche of the C anshort the mezzanine tranche of the C, when the correlations of the assets in the C crease B.Long the equity tranche of the C anshort the mezzanine tranche of the C, when the correlations of the assets in the C increase C.Short the equity tranche of the C anlong the mezzanine tranche of the C, when the correlations of the assets in the C crease Short the equity tranche of the C anlong the mezzanine tranche of the C, when the correlations of the assets in the C increase A is correct.考点2005年的correlation-relatecrisis解析降级为垃圾级通常会导致债券价格急剧下跌,因为许多共同基金和养老基金不允许持有垃圾债券,C中引用投资级债券的债券的相关性下降,因为不同信用质量的债券的相关性通常较低,相关性下降导致对冲基金蒙受巨大损失,因为他们的策略是long equity的C的同时short mezzanine的C,相关性下降时这策略两端都受损。 如题

2024-03-15 09:27 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2020033001000033问题如下 In Mof 2005, GenerMotors anForwwngrato junk status, the following situation leto huge losses for multiple hee fun. Whiof the following positions are most likely to helthese fun anultimately leto their losses? A.Long the equity tranche of the C anshort the mezzanine tranche of the C, when the correlations of the assets in the C creaseB.Long the equity tranche of the C anshort the mezzanine tranche of the C, when the correlations of the assets in the C increaseC.Short the equity tranche of the C anlong the mezzanine tranche of the C, when the correlations of the assets in the C creaseShort the equity tranche of the C anlong the mezzanine tranche of the C, when the correlations of the assets in the C increase A is correct.考点2005年的correlation-relatecrisis解析降级为垃圾级通常会导致债券价格急剧下跌,因为许多共同基金和养老基金不允许持有垃圾债券,C中引用投资级债券的债券的相关性下降,因为不同信用质量的债券的相关性通常较低,相关性下降导致对冲基金蒙受巨大损失,因为他们的策略是long equity的C的同时short mezzanine的C,相关性下降时这策略两端都受损。 Correlation下降时候,为什么long equity C 会亏,short mezznine 也亏

2024-03-01 11:08 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2020033001000033 问题如下 In Mof 2005, GenerMotors anForwwngrato junk status, the following situation leto huge losses for multiple hee fun. Whiof the following positions are most likely to helthese fun anultimately leto their losses? A.Long the equity tranche of the C anshort the mezzanine tranche of the C, when the correlations of the assets in the C crease B.Long the equity tranche of the C anshort the mezzanine tranche of the C, when the correlations of the assets in the C increase C.Short the equity tranche of the C anlong the mezzanine tranche of the C, when the correlations of the assets in the C crease Short the equity tranche of the C anlong the mezzanine tranche of the C, when the correlations of the assets in the C increase A is correct.考点2005年的correlation-relatecrisis解析降级为垃圾级通常会导致债券价格急剧下跌,因为许多共同基金和养老基金不允许持有垃圾债券,C中引用投资级债券的债券的相关性下降,因为不同信用质量的债券的相关性通常较低,相关性下降导致对冲基金蒙受巨大损失,因为他们的策略是long equity的C的同时short mezzanine的C,相关性下降时这策略两端都受损。 市场不好 即 recession的时候不是correlation变大么?麻烦老师讲一下 senior mezzanine equity 分别随市场表现如何变化呗?

2024-02-20 22:25 1 · 回答