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tzdsgn · 2023年07月27日




Dias has asked whether it would be appropriate for him to hedge his foreign currency exposure. Campos raises the issue with Traldi and Peixaria. Traldi responds, "In the short run, if the correlation between foreign asset returns and foreign currency returns is negative, then there may be a need to hedge all foreign currency exposure. Alternatively, one could implement a currency overlay program in which the currency exposure is fully hedged and currency alpha is generated separately. This currency overlay strategy will only be successful in adding value to the portfolio if the currency alpha has a high correlation with Brazilian equities and corporate bonds."

In her response regarding hedging foreign currency exposure in Dias's portfolio, Traldi is most likely:



correct about the correlations and the currency overlay program


incorrect about the correlations, but correct about the currency overlay program


incorrect about the correlations and the currency overlay program


Correct Answer: C

Traldi is incorrect about the correlations and the currency overlay program. In the short run, if the correlation between foreign currency asset returns and foreign currency returns is negative, then there may be no need to hedge all foreign currency exposure because some currency exposure is desirable from a portfolio diversification perspective. Regarding the currency overlay program, it will add value to the portfolio only if the currency alpha has a low correlation with other asset classes in the portfolio (i.e., Brazilian equities and corporate bonds).

In the short run, if the correlation between foreign asset returns and foreign currency returns is negative, then there may be a need to hedge all foreign currency exposure. 


Alternatively, one could implement a currency overlay program in which the currency exposure is fully hedged and currency alpha is generated separately.

错误应该是不fully hedge?


derivative overlay是用衍生品管理

currency overlay是指外汇管理外包?

2 个答案

pzqa31 · 2023年07月27日


这句话也不对,Currency overlay的方法是将外汇敞口单独外包出去给第三方,第三方可以根据外汇市场的变化采取策略,既可以fully hedge也可以主动管理,都是可以的。


pzqa31 · 2023年07月27日


第一个问题,foreign asset returns and foreign currency returns的相关性,注意如果二者的相关性是负数的话,说明自带分散化的属性,所以此时是没有必要一定要做对冲的。因此题干说反了。这一点也可以通过计算外汇投资时risk的那个公式来看,如果相关性为负数,说明最后的那个交叉性是负数,因此是降低风险的,所以可以降低对冲要求的。

第二个问题,关于currency overlay中相关性的表述,也是错误的。

先呢,我们先理解一下currency overlay,注意在外汇管理中,我们要学会把外汇就当做一种普通的资产类型,和股票,债券等一样。Currency overlay就是说现在我们想把这个叫做外汇的资产单独剥离出去找人管理,自然是这个资产要很好的从咱们的组合中剥离出去才行啊,即外汇这个资产和其他的资产类型的相关性很低才可以。如果他和其他资产一直藕断丝连难分难舍,肯定是不利于对其单独进行管理。


所以题干中说相关性要很高才能使得currency overlay策略成功就是错误的了。

第三个问题,derivatives overlay是duration matching的一个扩展。currency overlay是指外汇管理外包。


tzdsgn · 2023年07月27日

Alternatively, one could 。这句话没错? This currency overlay strategy will only be successful in a high correlation 。这句话错了

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NO.PZ2022123002000010 问题如下 haskewhether itwoulappropriate for him to hee his foreign currenexposure. Camposraises the issue with Tral anPeixariTral respon, \"In the shortrun, if the correlation between foreign asset returns anforeign currencyreturns is negative, then there ma neeto hee all foreign currencyexposure. Alternatively, one coulimplement a currenoverlprogrinwhithe currenexposure is fully heeancurrenalpha is generateseparately.This currenoverlstrategy will only successful in aing value to theportfolio if the currenalpha ha high correlation with Braziliequitiesancorporate bon.\"In her responseregarng heing foreign currenexposure in as's portfolio, Tral is mostlikely: A.correabout the correlations anthe currencyoverlprogr B.incorreabout the correlations, but correaboutthe currenoverlprogr C.incorreabout the correlations anthe currencyoverlprogr CorreAnswer: CTral isincorreabout the correlations anthe currenoverlprogram. In the shortrun, if the correlation between foreign currenasset returns anforeigncurrenreturns is negative, then there mno neeto hee all foreigncurrenexposure because some currenexposure is sirable from a portfolioversification perspective. Regarng the currenoverlprogram, it willa value to the portfolio only if the currenalpha ha low correlationwith other asset classes in the portfolio (i.e., Braziliequities anorporate bon). Regarng the currenoverlprogram, it will a value to the portfolio only if the currenalpha ha low correlation with other asset classes in the portfolio (i.e., Braziliequities ancorporate bon).【这半句话不明白,老师请一下?】

2024-01-08 13:59 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2022123002000010 问题如下 haskewhether itwoulappropriate for him to hee his foreign currenexposure. Camposraises the issue with Tral anPeixariTral respon, \"In the shortrun, if the correlation between foreign asset returns anforeign currencyreturns is negative, then there ma neeto hee all foreign currencyexposure. Alternatively, one coulimplement a currenoverlprogrinwhithe currenexposure is fully heeancurrenalpha is generateseparately.This currenoverlstrategy will only successful in aing value to theportfolio if the currenalpha ha high correlation with Braziliequitiesancorporate bon.\"In her responseregarng heing foreign currenexposure in as's portfolio, Tral is mostlikely: A.correabout the correlations anthe currencyoverlprogr B.incorreabout the correlations, but correaboutthe currenoverlprogr C.incorreabout the correlations anthe currencyoverlprogr CorreAnswer: CTral isincorreabout the correlations anthe currenoverlprogram. In the shortrun, if the correlation between foreign currenasset returns anforeigncurrenreturns is negative, then there mno neeto hee all foreigncurrenexposure because some currenexposure is sirable from a portfolioversification perspective. Regarng the currenoverlprogram, it willa value to the portfolio only if the currenalpha ha low correlationwith other asset classes in the portfolio (i.e., Braziliequities anorporate bon). 一下文中currenoverlay具体错哪了

2023-02-12 21:15 1 · 回答