The 1996 Amendment proposed two methods for calculating market risk,the standardized model and the internal model-based approach. The following characteristics belongs to which approach accordingly?
I. It sums up market risks across market risk categories.
II. It uses a multiplicative factor on the average VaR.
III. It only focuses on specific risk charges.
A.the standardized model, the internal model-based approach, neither of them.
B.the internal model-based approach, the standardized model, neither of them.
C.the internal model-based approach, neither of them, the standardized model.
D.the standardized model, neither of them, the internal model-based approach.
A is correct.
考点:衡量market risk时,标准法和内部模型法的区别
标准法是将不同风险类别中的市场风险进行简单的加总,标准法中没有考虑specific risk charges。
内部模型法中,市场风险资本要求等于 ,其中,为multiplicative factor,为过去60个交易日的VaR均值,因此选项A正确。
老师basel ii当中SRC的风险不是在internal model approach当中计算了吗?如解析的公式,那第三句话为什么说是neither of them