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台风来了 · 2023年07月24日

是答案解析错了? 还是我理解有误?



Since 2010, annual executive compensation has included stock options on the company’s stock. On 1 September 2013, the company introduced a restricted stock grant program for all non-executive employees who had worked for the company for three years or more.

The average volatility of the company’s stock had been in the range of 38–42% during 2008–2010, but since 2011, it has declined to the 19–24% range.

If the recent changes in the volatility of the company's stock persist, it will most likely affect the company's compensation expense for:



both non-executive employees and executives.


non-executive employees only.


executives only.


Only the executive stock option plan is affected by volatility of the company’s stock. The volatility affects the initial valuation of the stock options granted (e.g., through use of the Black–Scholes model to determine the fair value of the options). The initial valuation of the options determines the expense recognized. Compensation expense for stock grants is based on the fair market value of the stock on the day of the grant and is not affected by the stock’s volatility.

1.高管从2010年或得期权,此时的波动性还是很高的,期权价值也高。在对这批期权费用摊销时不受影响,因为摊销的是期权的初始授权日的fair value。




1 个答案

王园圆_品职助教 · 2023年07月24日

同学你好,要看清楚题目哦,题目说的是员工被授予的是“restricted stock grant program”也就是授予员工的是股票而不是期权,股票的话,compensation价值只和授予日当天的股票公允价值有关, 和后面的股票波动都无关的,所以后面的波动那些条件都属于干扰条件,不应该考虑


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NO.PZ2023040501000061问题如下 Sin2010, annuexecutive compensation hinclustooptions on the company’s stock. On 1 September 2013, the company introcea restrictestogrant progrfor all non-executive employees who hworkefor the company for three years or more. The average volatility of the company’s stohbeen in the range of 38–42% ring 2008–2010, but sin2011, it hclineto the 19–24% range.If the recent changes in the volatility of the company's stopersist, it will most likely affethe company's compensation expense for: A.both non-executive employees anexecutives.B.non-executive employees only.C.executives only. Only the executive stooption plis affectevolatility of the company’s stock. The volatility affects the initivaluation of the stooptions grante(e.g., through use of the Black–Scholes mol to termine the fair value of the options). The initivaluation of the options termines the expense recognize Compensation expense for stogrants is baseon the fair market value of the stoon the y of the grant anis not affectethe stock’s volatility. 关于option,题干里说是annual,即每年都grant一批option。波动率既影响2011年option被grant时计算的FV,也会影响后续每年grant的FV。因此option肯定会受影响。题意本身包括后续每年grant的option吗?此外,关于RS,2013年grant一批,此时已经波动率减小了,为什么波动率不会影响grant时股票的market value呢?波动率大和波动率小不是股价市价的影响因素吗?

2024-08-12 16:51 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2023040501000061 问题如下 Sin2010, annuexecutive compensation hinclustooptions on the company’s stock. On 1 September 2013, the company introcea restrictestogrant progrfor all non-executive employees who hworkefor the company for three years or more. The average volatility of the company’s stohbeen in the range of 38–42% ring 2008–2010, but sin2011, it hclineto the 19–24% range.If the recent changes in the volatility of the company's stopersist, it will most likely affethe company's compensation expense for: A.both non-executive employees anexecutives. B.non-executive employees only. C.executives only. Only the executive stooption plis affectevolatility of the company’s stock. The volatility affects the initivaluation of the stooptions grante(e.g., through use of the Black–Scholes mol to termine the fair value of the options). The initivaluation of the options termines the expense recognize Compensation expense for stogrants is baseon the fair market value of the stoon the y of the grant anis not affectethe stock’s volatility. stooption 按照授予日当天的FV计量,后续option的波动不影响已经grant 的option value吧,是否 只 影响后续新grant 的 option ?

2023-08-13 10:23 2 · 回答