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坏呼呼嘿嘿 · 2023年07月23日




Yankel Stein is the chief investment officer of a large charitable foundation based in the United States. Although the foundation has significant exposure to alternative investments and hedge funds, Stein proposes to increase the foundation’s exposure to relative value hedge fund strategies. As part of Stein’s due diligence on a hedge fund engaging in convertible bond arbitrage, Stein asks his investment analyst to summarize different risks associated with the strategy.

Describe how each of the following circumstances can create concerns for Stein’s proposed hedge fund strategy: i. Short selling ii. Credit issues iii. Time decay of call option iv. Extreme market volatility



1 个答案

伯恩_品职助教 · 2023年07月24日




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NO.PZ2023010407000008 问题如下 Yankel Stein is the chief investment officer of a large charitablefountion basein the UniteStates. Although the fountion hsignificantexposure to alternative investments anhee fun, Stein proposes to increasethe fountion’s exposure to relative value hee funstrategies. part ofStein’s e ligenon a hee funengaging in convertible bonarbitrage,Stein asks his investment analyst to summarize fferent risks associatewiththe strategy. scrihow eaof the followingcircumstances ccreate concerns for Stein’s proposehee funstrategy: i.Short selling ii. Cret issues iii. Time cof call option iv.Extreme market volatility 请问老师这样答可以不

2024-01-10 18:26 3 · 回答

NO.PZ2023010407000008 问题如下 Yankel Stein is the chief investment officer of a large charitablefountion basein the UniteStates. Although the fountion hsignificantexposure to alternative investments anhee fun, Stein proposes to increasethe fountion’s exposure to relative value hee funstrategies. part ofStein’s e ligenon a hee funengaging in convertible bonarbitrage,Stein asks his investment analyst to summarize fferent risks associatewiththe strategy. scrihow eaof the followingcircumstances ccreate concerns for Stein’s proposehee funstrategy: i.Short selling ii. Cret issues iii. Time cof call option iv.Extreme market volatility i. Short sellingshort squzee might happen when the stopriraises. the investors have to purchase the stoa higher priwhithey think the stoprishoulcrease. ii. Cret issues the convertible bonis a bon the cret risk is embein the bon when the fault happen, the invester will suffer a loss e to the creasing priof the bon iii. Time cof call option the value of the call option will crease the time passes. so the prigbetween the convertible bonanthe stowill narrower.iv. Extreme market volatilityextreme market volatility will influenthe priof the convertivle bonanthe stock. it might make the hee funstrategy ineffective.

2023-12-29 17:56 2 · 回答

NO.PZ2023010407000008 问题如下 Yankel Stein is the chief investment officer of a large charitablefountion basein the UniteStates. Although the fountion hsignificantexposure to alternative investments anhee fun, Stein proposes to increasethe fountion’s exposure to relative value hee funstrategies. part ofStein’s e ligenon a hee funengaging in convertible bonarbitrage,Stein asks his investment analyst to summarize fferent risks associatewiththe strategy. scrihow eaof the followingcircumstances ccreate concerns for Stein’s proposehee funstrategy: i.Short selling ii. Cret issues iii. Time cof call option iv.Extreme market volatility 进入到这个strategy的时候,已经锁定了conversion price和股价的价差了。不管股价和convertible bon价格如何变化,锁定的价差都不变。怎么会受到影响呢?经典题第3题就说明了这个情况。

2023-08-13 09:59 4 · 回答