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yan · 2023年07月22日




An analyst group follows 250 firms and classifies them in two dimensions. First dimension is financial leverage, and the second dimension is growth/value types.

To test whether the growth/value typles and financial leverage groups are independent of one another, what is the appropriate test statistic to use in this type of test?


A.Chi-square test

B.T test

C.F test


A is correct

The appropriate test statistic is :

where Oij represents the observed frequency for the i and j group and Eij represents the expected frequency for the i and j group if the groupings are independent.


An analyst group follows 250 firms and classifies them in two dimensions. First dimension is financial leverage, and the second dimension is growth/value types. 

To test whether the growth/value typles and financial leverage groups are independent of one another, what is the appropriate test statistic to use in this type of test?


A.Chi-square test B.T test

C.F test


A is correct 

The appropriate test statistic is :

where Oij represents the observed frequency for the i and j group and Eij represents the expected frequency for the i and j group if the groupings are independent.

1 个答案

星星_品职助教 · 2023年07月23日




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NO.PZ2021071601000002 问题如下 analyst group follows 250 firms anclassifies them in two mensions. First mension is financileverage, anthe seconmension is growth/value types. To test whether the growth/value typles anfinancileverage groups are inpennt of one another, whis the appropriate test statistic to use in this type of test? A.Chi-squaretest B.T test C.F test A is correThe appropriate test statistic is where Oij represents the observefrequenfor the i anj group anEij represents the expectefrequenfor the i anj group if the groupings are inpennt.本题选用的检验量为卡方检验。 卡方检验不是用来检验单个样本的吗?

2022-10-12 17:02 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2021071601000002问题如下 analyst group follows 250 firms anclassifies them in two mensions. First mension is financileverage, anthe seconmension is growth/value types. To test whether the growth/value typles anfinancileverage groups are inpennt of one another, whis the appropriate test statistic to use in this type of test? A.Chi-squaretest B.T testC.F test A is correThe appropriate test statistic is where Oij represents the observefrequenfor the i anj group anEij represents the expectefrequenfor the i anj group if the groupings are inpennt.本题选用的检验量为卡方检验。 上课时老师说独立性检验与相关性检验其实差不多,只是当变量是定性分类时用必须要有独立性检验,这组数据哪里能看出来不是定量的了呢?

2022-05-07 21:04 1 · 回答


2021-10-19 22:13 2 · 回答