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简ying · 2023年07月20日


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Ava Chan Case Scenario

Ava Chan, age 52, is a high-net-worth investor residing in Vancouver, Canada. Four years ago, the logistics firm she co-founded had an initial public offering. One year ago, Chan retired when her obligation to work for the company and to maintain ownership of its stock ended, to spend time with her family and to manage her investment portfolio, valued at approximately Can$425 million. Her investment adviser, Ethan Gill, has extensive experience working with publicly traded equity and fixed-income portfolios. With Gill’s assistance, Chan sold her concentrated stock holdings and created a well-diversified portfolio with approximately 70% in global equities, 20% in real estate, and 10% in investment-grade fixed income. The equity and fixed-income portions of the portfolio consist entirely of index exchange-traded funds (ETFs), and the real estate portfolio consists of a well-diversified selection of REITs.

Chan’s investment plans for the coming year are threefold. A Can$25 million portfolio is intended to provide an annual retirement income of Can$1 million for her and her spouse. Trusts of Can$50 million each are to be established for her two children. The remainder of her wealth will be used to establish a charitable foundation to provide annual grants in support of environmental preservation causes.

Chan meets with Gill to discuss potential changes to her investment strategy and portfolio—specifically, the addition of more alternative investments in the charitable foundation. She tells him, “As we separate my current portfolio into the three trusts and the foundation later this year, my intention is for the trust portfolios to have the same asset allocation as my current portfolio but to shift approximately 50% of the charitable foundation’s portfolio into alternative investments, leaving the remainder in the existing asset allocation. It seems that the growth in the number of managers of these assets has made it much easier for investors like me to access top-tier managers. I understand that shifting the foundation portfolio into alternative investments will drastically reduce the liquidity of those positions, but I don’t believe this will be a concern, given the long-term horizon of the foundation. Investing in these assets will certainly require you to spend more time conducting due diligence, but based on the advisory work you’ve done for me in the past and your experience, I’m confident of your ability to do this.”

Gill responds, “It will be particularly important for the foundation that I look for managers who offer full transparency regarding their holdings and strategies, so the foundation’s investment committee can best understand the risk and return characteristics of the entire portfolio. Also, because the current portfolio is appropriate for an investor who believes financial markets are efficient, it will be important for the investment committee and me to identify markets we believe are not completely efficient and match those views to alternative investment products and strategies that are most likely to benefit from those perceived inefficiencies.”

Gill also reminds Chan, “We have used a traditional mean–variance approach to optimize your current portfolio allocation, but this will not be appropriate for a portfolio that includes substantial allocations to alternative investments. Returns to traditional asset classes are normally distributed, whereas returns to alternative investments tend to exhibit non-normality. For alternative investments, even the most basic estimate of risk, the standard deviation of returns, is likely to be measured incorrectly, because of the way returns are calculated and reported. A common approach to portfolio optimization when alternative assets are involved is a two-step process that first uses a mean–variance analysis for the traditional asset classes and then incorporates alternative assets using more sophisticated techniques, such as Monte Carlo simulation.”

Chan tells Gill, “My studies over the past year have made me realize investments in alternative investments will require different kinds of monitoring from the traditional asset classes in which I’m currently invested. Regarding performance benchmarks, we will likely have to rely on peer comparisons, which are good substitutes for the market indexes we use for traditional asset classes. For many alternative investment classes, particularly private equity and direct real estate investment, we will not be able to assess the performance until the program is fully invested, which can take many years. Furthermore, unlike traditional asset classes, for alternative investments, we need to worry about how the actions of other investors affect the performance of the investments we make.”

Which of Chan’s comments on monitoring alternative investments is most likely correct? Those regarding:


A.performance benchmarks. B.delays in assessing performance evaluation. C.the impact of other investors’ actions on performance.



C is correct. Many alternative investments use limited partnership or similar structures in which each investor owns a fairly large portion of the fund. Strategies often involve investment in illiquid assets. If a few investors pull out of a fund, managers can be forced to sell positions at disadvantageous times, resulting in poor performance for all investors. Remaining positions might also be particularly illiquid.

A is incorrect. Peer evaluations are not a good substitute for market price indexes because it is difficult to identify a peer group with the same investment strategy as the manager being evaluated. Furthermore, the lack of standards for constructing such benchmarks results in the same manager’s performance being assessed in very different ways by different evaluators.

B is incorrect. Although it is difficult to assess the performance of an investment program that is not fully invested (such as a private equity investment or a direct real estate investment), investors must still monitor market conditions to ensure the investment program remains appropriate.

我记得讲课的时候说了两种方式都可以,也没说peer group不好找的事?还是我记错了?

2 个答案

伯恩_品职助教 · 2023年08月05日


对,就是alternative的benchamrk可以有peer group或者broad market index+spread的方式,是不是我记错了。。。——抱歉,我不知道你在说什么。。。可能是别的学科吧


伯恩_品职助教 · 2023年07月21日


我记得讲课的时候说了两种方式都可以,也没说peer group不好找的事?还是我记错了?——什么两种方式???peer groups什么?

B选,PE和房地产都很难评估,无论是否完全投资,所以和是否fully invested没关系。PE和房地产是很难估值,但是不代表不能。只是不连续等不利因素。但是都要评估的,无论是否fully invested
