Determine which one of the following reasons for the change in adjusted R2 from Model 2 to Model 3 is most likely to be correct.
A.Adjusted R2 decreases since adding MOM does not improve the overall explanatory power of Model 3. B.Adjusted R2 increases since adding SMB improves the overall explanatory power of Model 2. C.Adjusted R2 decreases since adding MOM improves the overall explanatory power of Model 3.解释:
A is correct. Adjusted R2 in Model 3 decreases to 0.844 from 0.846 in Model 2.Model 3 includes all independent variables from Model 2, while adding MOM.Adding variables to a regression model always either increases R2 or causes it to stay the same. But adjusted R2 only increases if the new variable meets a threshold of significance, |t-statistic| > 1. MOM does not meet this threshold, indicatingit does not improve the overall explanatory power of Model 3.
老师,加入SMB自变量后,Adjusted R2从0.817增加到0.846,说明加入SMB的model解释力度更强了。请问B选项错在哪里呢?