Which of the following statement about KMV and Merton models is correct ?
A.Both KMV and Merton model use the cumulative normal distribution to indicate the likelihood of default.
B.Only KMV model uses the cumulative normal distribution to indicate the likelihood of default.
C.Only Merton model uses the cumulative normal distribution to indicate the likelihood of default.
D.Neither KMV nor Merton model use the cumulative normal distribution to indicate the likelihood of default.
C is correct.
考点:KMV和Merton model 的对比。
解析:Merton 模型使用了cumulative normal distribution来估算违约概率。KMV模型使用的是一个经验算法。
老师merton model是假设资产收益率服从正态分布推导的累计违约概率,KMV 不是通过蒙特卡洛模拟,模拟出来资产收益的分布,然后计算DD,推算出违约概率的吗?为什么解析里面说是模拟计算