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Catherine · 2023年07月17日




Which of the following statements is not correct about the foundation IRB and the advanced IRB approaches for credit risk capital charges in Basel II?



Under the advanced IRB approach, banks are allowed to use their own estimates of PD, LGD, EAD, and correlation coefficient but must use the risk weight functions provided by the supervisors.


Under the foundation IRB approach, banks provide their own estimates of PD and rely on supervisory estimates for other risk components.


Banks adopting the advanced IRB approach are expected to continue to employ this approach. A voluntary return to the standardized approach is permitted only in extraordinary circumstances.


Under both foundation IRB and advanced IRB approaches, the expected loss is not included in the credit risk capital charge.


A is correct. Banks are never allowed to use their own correlations.


3 个答案

李坏_品职助教 · 2023年10月19日



而按照BASEL II的advanced IRB,这个ρ是通过以PD为参数的公式算出来的,这个公式算出来是几那就是几(不能随意地为了修改ρ的结果而去操纵PD的大小)。也不能任由银行随意指定一个ρ。


zora · 2023年10月19日


李坏_品职助教 · 2023年07月17日


这个A项错误的,原因是:银行要用Basel II要求的公式来计算rho,而不是任由银行自己定rho的数值。


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NO.PZ2016072602000051问题如下 Whiof the following statements is not correabout the fountion IRB anthe aanceIRB approaches for cret risk capitcharges in Basel II? Unr the aanceIRB approach, banks are alloweto use their own estimates of P LG EA ancorrelation coefficient but must use the risk weight functions provithe supervisors. Unr the fountion IRB approach, banks provi their own estimates of Panrely on supervisory estimates for other risk components. Banks apting the aanceIRB approaare expecteto continue to employ this approach. A voluntary return to the stanrzeapproais permitteonly in extraornary circumstances. Unr both fountion IRB anaanced IRB approaches, the expecteloss is not incluin the cret risk capital charge. A is correct. Banks are never alloweto use their own correlations. 具体问题如题,四个能分别一下吗

2023-11-10 12:00 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2016072602000051问题如下 Whiof the following statements is not correabout the fountion IRB anthe aanceIRB approaches for cret risk capitcharges in Basel II? Unr the aanceIRB approach, banks are alloweto use their own estimates of P LG EA ancorrelation coefficient but must use the risk weight functions provithe supervisors. Unr the fountion IRB approach, banks provi their own estimates of Panrely on supervisory estimates for other risk components. Banks apting the aanceIRB approaare expecteto continue to employ this approach. A voluntary return to the stanrzeapproais permitteonly in extraornary circumstances. Unr both fountion IRB anaanced IRB approaches, the expecteloss is not incluin the cret risk capital charge. A is correct. Banks are never alloweto use their own correlations. 麻烦看看a,我认为是对的,相关系数是监管者给的模型来算呀

2023-11-05 21:57 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2016072602000051 Whiof the following statements is not correabout the fountion IRB anthe aanceIRB approaches for cret risk capitcharges in Basel II? Unr the aanceIRB approach, banks are alloweto use their own estimates of P LG EA ancorrelation coefficient but must use the risk weight functions provithe supervisors. Unr the fountion IRB approach, banks provi their own estimates of Panrely on supervisory estimates for other risk components. Banks apting the aanceIRB approaare expecteto continue to employ this approach. A voluntary return to the stanrzeapproais permitteonly in extraornary circumstances. Unr both fountion IRB anaanceIRB approaches, the expecteloss is not incluin the cret risk capitcharge. A is correct. Banks are never alloweto use their own correlations. 想问下大方向不是VaR-EL吗?的是不考虑EL,该如何理解?谢谢

2022-03-13 17:23 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2016072602000051 Whiof the following statements is not correabout the fountion IRB anthe aanceIRB approaches for cret risk capitcharges in Basel II? Unr the aanceIRB approach, banks are alloweto use their own estimates of P LG EA ancorrelation coefficient but must use the risk weight functions provithe supervisors. Unr the fountion IRB approach, banks provi their own estimates of Panrely on supervisory estimates for other risk components. Banks apting the aanceIRB approaare expecteto continue to employ this approach. A voluntary return to the stanrzeapproais permitteonly in extraornary circumstances. Unr both fountion IRB anaanceIRB approaches, the expecteloss is not incluin the cret risk capitcharge. A is correct. Banks are never alloweto use their own correlations. 那rho是要必须等于啥? 讲义74页的式子吗? 蟹蟹蟹蟹 好像另外PLGEM在67页表格都说的很明确 Rho就有点模糊了。。。

2021-11-01 00:18 1 · 回答