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erin_hi1990 · 2023年07月15日

请问这些trend rate 应该怎么理解?

* 问题详情,请 查看题干



(1) Which of the assumptions in Exhibit 2 would most likely result in a lower reported post-employment benefit obligation for Euronet as compared with ZipTech?



Near-term health care trend rate


Ultimate health care cost trend rate


Years until the ultimate trend rate is reached


B is correct. Other things equal, a lower assumed ultimate health care trend rate would result in a lower benefit obligation and a lower periodic cost. Euronet’s 3.1% rate is lower than ZipTech’s 3.2% rate. A higher assumed near-term health care cost trend rate or a greater number of years until the ultimate trend rate is reached would result in a higher benefit obligation and a higher periodic cost. Both of these assumptions are higher for Euronet.

A is incorrect. Other things equal, a higher assumed near-term health care cost trend rate would result in a higher benefit obligation and a higher periodic cost. Euronet’s 4.1% rate is higher than ZipTech’s 3.6% rate.

C is incorrect. Other things equal, a greater assumed number of years until the ultimate trend rate is reached would result in a higher benefit obligation and a higher periodic cost. Euronet’s 10 years are greater than ZipTech’s 8 years.

请问这些trend rate 应该怎么理解?

1 个答案

王园圆_品职助教 · 2023年07月15日


首先你要知道,health care rate估计的越高,就意味着未来需要支付的和医疗相关的费用更多,那支出就更多,支出的现值(也就是pension obligation)也就越高


再看题干找到ABC选项对应的rate,短期的health care cost rate是Z公司更低,那说明短期Z公司PBO更低,不符合题目要求,A不选

B选项:最终的health care rate是E公司更低,而Z公司更高,所以E公司从最终来看,支出的现值会更低,PBO更低,就符合题目的要求,选B

C选项,达到最终估计的health care rate的时间,Z公司是8年短于E公司的10年,其他条件都一致的情况下,估计达到最终这个rate的时间越短,意味着费用下降越快,那最终的费用支出就会越少。因为Z小于E,所以此时是Z公司的PBO更小,不符合提题目,C不选