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摇一摇 · 2023年07月06日




An applicable conclusion drawn from the Geopolitical Risk Index (GPR) is that:


A.high geopolitical risk results in tangible macroeconomic effects. B.

recurring geopolitical risk events lead to reduced corporate investment.

C.the adverse impact of actual events is greater over time than that of the threat of the threat of such events.


A is correct. The GPR index creators found that high levels of geopolitical risk reduce US investment, employment, and price level of the stock market.

B is incorrect because firms reduce investment in the wake of idiosyncratic events, which would be unlikely to repeat. C is incorrect because the threat of an event was shown to have a larger impact over time than that of the actual events themselves.




威胁(threat) > 影响(impact)


1 个答案

笛子_品职助教 · 2023年07月07日


威胁(threat) > 影响(impact)







  • 1

  • 0

  • 305


NO.PZ2022061601000015 问题如下 applicable conclusion awn from the GeopoliticRisk Inx (GPR) is that: A.high geopoliticrisk results in tangible macroeconomic effects. B.recurring geopoliticrisk events leto rececorporate investment. C.the aerse impaof actuevents is greater over time ththof the threof the threof suevents. A is correct. The GPR inx creators founthhigh levels of geopoliticrisk reUS investment, employment, anprilevel of the stomarket. B is incorrebecause firms reinvestment in the wake of iosyncratic events, whiwoulunlikely to repeat. C is incorrebecause the threof event wshown to have a larger impaover time ththof the actuevents themselves.A是正确的。GPR指数的创造者发现,高水平的地缘政治风险会降低美国的投资、就业和股票市场的价格水平。B是不正确的,因为公司会在特殊事件之后减少投资,而这种事件不太可能再次发生。C是不正确的,因为随着时间的推移,事件的威胁会比实际事件本身产生更大的影响。 B是反复发生的事件啊,都反复发生了,还没有影响吗?

2023-04-21 20:04 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2022061601000015 问题如下 applicable conclusion awn from the GeopoliticRisk Inx (GPR) is that: A.high geopoliticrisk results in tangible macroeconomic effects. B.recurring geopoliticrisk events leto rececorporate investment. C.the aerse impaof actuevents is greater over time ththof the threof the threof suevents. A is correct. The GPR inx creators founthhigh levels of geopoliticrisk reUS investment, employment, anprilevel of the stomarket. B is incorrebecause firms reinvestment in the wake of iosyncratic events, whiwoulunlikely to repeat. C is incorrebecause the threof event wshown to have a larger impaover time ththof the actuevents themselves.A是正确的。GPR指数的创造者发现,高水平的地缘政治风险会降低美国的投资、就业和股票市场的价格水平。B是不正确的,因为公司会在特殊事件之后减少投资,而这种事件不太可能再次发生。C是不正确的,因为随着时间的推移,事件的威胁会比实际事件本身产生更大的影响。 能否详细一下B项,谢谢

2023-03-04 17:54 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2022061601000015 问题如下 applicable conclusion awn from the GeopoliticRisk Inx (GPR) is that: A.high geopoliticrisk results in tangible macroeconomic effects. B.recurring geopoliticrisk events leto rececorporate investment. C.the aerse impaof actuevents is greater over time ththof the threof the threof suevents. A is correct. The GPR inx creators founthhigh levels of geopoliticrisk reUS investment, employment, anprilevel of the stomarket. B is incorrebecause firms reinvestment in the wake of iosyncratic events, whiwoulunlikely to repeat. C is incorrebecause the threof event wshown to have a larger impaover time ththof the actuevents themselves.A是正确的。GPR指数的创造者发现,高水平的地缘政治风险会降低美国的投资、就业和股票市场的价格水平。B是不正确的,因为公司会在特殊事件之后减少投资,而这种事件不太可能再次发生。C是不正确的,因为随着时间的推移,事件的威胁会比实际事件本身产生更大的影响。 C答案的英文与书中这句话的英文理解上差距在哪里?

2023-02-22 17:04 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2022061601000015 问题如下 applicable conclusion awn from the GeopoliticRisk Inx (GPR) is that: A.high geopoliticrisk results in tangible macroeconomic effects. B.recurring geopoliticrisk events leto rececorporate investment. C.the aerse impaof actuevents is greater over time ththof the threof the threof suevents. A is correct. The GPR inx creators founthhigh levels of geopoliticrisk reUS investment, employment, anprilevel of the stomarket. B is incorrebecause firms reinvestment in the wake of iosyncratic events, whiwoulunlikely to repeat. C is incorrebecause the threof event wshown to have a larger impaover time ththof the actuevents themselves.A是正确的。GPR指数的创造者发现,高水平的地缘政治风险会降低美国的投资、就业和股票市场的价格水平。B是不正确的,因为公司会在特殊事件之后减少投资,而这种事件不太可能再次发生。C是不正确的,因为随着时间的推移,事件的威胁会比实际事件本身产生更大的影响。 这个部分是新加的内容么?考的几率大不大

2022-12-17 23:55 1 · 回答